[Title] Red Planet [Author] bart [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/red-planet [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize redplanet_0.png 2.5 Mb [1667 download(s)]2.37 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Earth Like [Author] krislachowski [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/earth-like [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Attribute art to Kris Lachowski. Also I like hearing about my art being used. Please feel free to let me know if you use it. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize EarthLikeLayersFinal.psd 1.6 Mb [293 download(s)]1.56 MB EarthLike.jpg 98.7 Kb [556 download(s)]96.37 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Solar System [Author] ShinyOgre [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/solar-system [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space.png 34.9 Mb [3861 download(s)]33.24 MB space_planet.xcf 44.9 Mb [790 download(s)]42.8 MB space_scene.xcf 62.1 Mb [676 download(s)]59.2 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Red Planet 2 [Author] bart [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/red-planet-2 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize redplanet2.png 2.5 Mb [1117 download(s)]2.39 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Backgrounds [Author] Rawdanitsu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-backgrounds-3 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Background-1.png 3.4 Mb [7968 download(s)]3.28 MB Background-2.png 2.7 Mb [5374 download(s)]2.59 MB Background-3.png 3.1 Mb [5676 download(s)]3 MB Background-4.png 2.8 Mb [8075 download(s)]2.68 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Background [Author] StumpyStrust [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-background-2 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Nothing required. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space1.png 1.2 Mb [7540 download(s)]1.11 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space backgrounds [Author] Rawdanitsu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-backgrounds-1 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize image5.jpg 2.3 Mb [2539 download(s)]2.17 MB image4.jpg 1 Mb [2314 download(s)]1021.98 KB image6.jpg 1.1 Mb [2323 download(s)]1.09 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2D space background [Author] Scribe [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-space-background [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] No attribution required but feel free to credit me as Scribe, UnknownScribe or Daniel Stephens (any or all!) [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize 1.png 3.6 Mb [2202 download(s)]3.42 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Backgrounds [Author] Rawdanitsu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-backgrounds-2 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Space-Background-1.jpg 1.7 Mb [2143 download(s)]1.62 MB Space-Background-2.jpg 1.4 Mb [2161 download(s)]1.38 MB Space-Background-3.jpg 1.9 Mb [1935 download(s)]1.86 MB Space-Background-5.jpg 274.8 Kb [1839 download(s)]268.4 KB Space-Background-4.jpg 295.3 Kb [2011 download(s)]288.41 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space backgrounds [Author] fraang [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-backgrounds-0 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space.zip 6.3 Mb [3032 download(s)]5.99 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Beta 6 [Author] StumpyStrust [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/beta-6 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Just give credit or don't [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize UltraHQ.zip 103.7 Mb [472 download(s)]98.85 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Planet If - (2005) [Author] aqaraza [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/planet-if-2005 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please Include the following text: CC BY-SA 3.0 -- Heath Rezabek -- Vessel CC -- http://vessel.cc [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize if-planetslice-vessel-cc.jpg 189.7 Kb [432 download(s)]185.27 KB if-8192-vessel-cc.jpg 4.2 Mb [469 download(s)]4 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi / Space: Red Planet [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-space-red-planet [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Bonsaiheldin | Link to this page [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Red Planet.xcf 6.9 Mb [784 download(s)]6.58 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Set: Faction10 Spaceships [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/set-faction10-spaceships [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Faction10-Spaceships-by-MillionthVector.zip 606.4 Kb [5937 download(s)]592.19 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Small Drone Spaceship [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/small-drone-spaceship [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize small.drone_.1.PNG 38.5 Kb [1005 download(s)]37.63 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Set: Faction10 Spacestations [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/set-faction10-spacestations [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Faction10-Spacestations-by-MillionthVector.zip 973.6 Kb [3220 download(s)]950.81 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Titan battlecruiser [Author] kanadaj [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/titan-battlecruiser [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit Skorpio for the kit and Kanadaj for the design either on the start-screen, menu, end-screen or credits screen. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Titan.png 73.9 Kb [1811 download(s)]72.17 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Ship Construction Kit [Author] Skorpio [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-ship-construction-kit [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Spaceship-Parts.zip 616.8 Kb [18960 download(s)]602.31 KB Engine_exhaust.zip 167.6 Kb [14720 download(s)]163.71 KB Stars-Nebulae.zip 1.4 Mb [14661 download(s)]1.38 MB Muzzle_flashes.zip 150.5 Kb [13784 download(s)]147 KB Alien-Ships.zip 1.8 Mb [17582 download(s)]1.73 MB Example_ships.zip 826 Kb [17358 download(s)]806.67 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship tutorial [Author] Skorpio [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-tutorial-0 [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Spaceship_tut.zip 500.4 Kb [5043 download(s)]488.71 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 3 Spaceships [Author] Skorpio [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/3-spaceships [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit me and Wubitog. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize 3Spaceships.zip 221.4 Kb [1391 download(s)]216.18 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Animated alien bomb / rocket [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/animated-alien-bomb-rocket [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Alien-Bomb-by-MillionthVector.zip 168.2 Kb [1629 download(s)]164.21 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi / Space: Simple bullets [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-space-simple-bullets [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Bonsaiheldin | Link to this page [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize spr_bullet_strip.png 2.8 Kb [11726 download(s)]2.78 KB spr_bullet_strip02.png 9.3 Kb [8909 download(s)]9.06 KB spr_bullet_strip03.png 1.3 Kb [7345 download(s)]1.25 KB spr_bullet_strip04.png 1.3 Kb [6881 download(s)]1.31 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Lightning Sprite Texture [Author] EVIL_ENT [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lightning-sprite-texture [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize lightning.png 337 Kb [1821 download(s)]329.13 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Lasers and beams [Author] Rawdanitsu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lasers-and-beams [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize beams.png 55.1 Kb [36062 download(s)]53.81 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Simple hud gui constraction kit in 8 colors [Author] Rawdanitsu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/simple-hud-gui-constraction-kit-in-8-colors [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Space-Gui.zip 1.3 Mb [1760 download(s)]1.2 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Seccond Stand [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/seccond-stand [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize second stand.mp3 3.6 Mb [636 download(s)]3.47 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space (orchestral) [Author] lasercheese [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-orchestral [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] It would be nice with a hint to my soundcloud (https://soundcloud.com/laserost) or youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/Manofunctional). [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space.flac 6.6 Mb [2493 download(s)]6.29 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Undead Rising [Author] Matthew Pablo [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/undead-rising [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please read this page for attribution instructions: http://www.matthewpablo.com/services [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Undead Rising Loop Pack.zip 28.9 Mb [2506 download(s)]27.53 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spacelife #14 [Author] yd [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spacelife-14 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize spacelifeNo14.ogg 634.5 Kb [2004 download(s)]619.65 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Galactic Temple [Author] yd [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/galactic-temple [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize GalacticTemple.zip 1.1 Mb [1994 download(s)]1.03 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] BlueBeat 01 [loop] (Cyberpunk Lab Music) [Author] qubodup [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/bluebeat-01-loop-cyberpunk-lab-music [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] "BlueBeat 01" Copyright 2007 ERH http://www.freesound.org/people/ERH/ , License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ERH BlueBeat 01 [loop].ogg 557.7 Kb [1494 download(s)]544.63 KB ERH BlueBeat 01 [loop].flac 1.1 Mb [1611 download(s)]1.09 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 63 Digital sound effects (lasers, phasers, space etc.) [Author] Kenney [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/63-digital-sound-effects-lasers-phasers-space-etc [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit "Kenney.nl" or "www.kenney.nl", this is not mandatory. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Digital_SFX_Set.zip 1.1 Mb [28289 download(s)]1.02 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] I swear I saw it - background track [Author] yd [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/i-swear-i-saw-it-background-track [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize IswearIsawit.zip 20.7 Kb [1495 download(s)]20.19 KB IswearIsawit.ogg 4.2 Mb [1376 download(s)]4 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Planetrise [Author] FoxSynergy [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/planetrise [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you don't mind sharing, I'd really love to know about what you're using it in. Most of all, have fun! :) [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Planetrise v1_0.mp3 7.6 Mb [360 download(s)]7.23 MB Planetrise v1_0.wav 34.7 Mb [160 download(s)]33.07 MB Planetrise v1_0.ogg 3.1 Mb [226 download(s)]2.99 MB Planetrise_v1_1.mp3 5 Mb [355 download(s)]4.8 MB Planetrise_LEO.wav 34.7 Mb [130 download(s)]33.07 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Please, answer me my friend [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/please-answer-me-my-friend [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Please, answer me my friend.mp3 2.5 Mb [673 download(s)]2.37 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Thrust Sequence [Author] Matthew Pablo [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/thrust-sequence [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please read this page for attribution instructions: http://www.matthewpablo.com/services [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Thrust Sequence.mp3 5.5 Mb [1665 download(s)]5.27 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Article 160 Section 2 [Author] Zander Noriega [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/article-160-section-2 [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit me as Zander Noriega (and, if feasible, link my name to my Soundcloud or my Twitter). [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Zander Noriega - Article 160 Section 2.zip 65.5 Mb [498 download(s)]62.43 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Article 169 Section 1 [Author] Zander Noriega [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/article-169-section-1 [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit me as Zander Noriega. If possible (i.e. you're presenting your credits in HTML), link my name to my Soundcloud or my Twitter. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Zander Noriega - Article 169 Section 1.zip 37.4 Mb [204 download(s)]35.66 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Dimensions (8bit/Retro Version) [Author] Matthew Pablo [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-dimensions-8bitretro-version [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please read this page for attribution instructions: http://www.matthewpablo.com/services [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize n-Dimensions (Main Theme - Retro Ver.mp3 4.2 Mb [3271 download(s)]4.04 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Dimensions (Techno Version) [Author] Matthew Pablo [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-dimensions-techno-version [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please read this page for attribution instructions: http://www.matthewpablo.com/services [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize n-Dimensions (Main Theme).mp3 5.1 Mb [1851 download(s)]4.84 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] RailJet / Long Seamless Loop [Author] qubodup [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/railjet-long-seamless-loop [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] A link to http://www.nosoapradio.us is required on any site containing this music or derivative works. (a credit to "Deceased Superior Technician" or "DST" would be nice, but is not required) [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize DST-RailJet-LongSeamlessLoop.ogg 6.1 Mb [940 download(s)]5.8 MB DST-RailJet-LongSeamlessLoop.mp3 8.9 Mb [1152 download(s)]8.53 MB DST-RailJet-LongSeamlessLoop.flac 51.8 Mb [169 download(s)]49.42 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Fighter spaceship [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/fighter-spaceship [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Fighter1-by-MillionthVector.zip 430.3 Kb [3488 download(s)]420.23 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Modular Reticulan Portraits [Author] surt [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/modular-reticulan-portraits [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize reticulan_portraits.png 10.7 Kb [2214 download(s)]10.48 KB reticulan_portraits_recolours.png 26.6 Kb [1704 download(s)]25.95 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Set: Faction9 spaceships [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/set-faction9-spaceships [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Faction9-Spaceships-by-MillionthVector.zip 811 Kb [3167 download(s)]792.02 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Set: Faction8 spaceships [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/set-faction8-spaceships [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Faction8-Spaceships-by-MillionthVector.zip 435.8 Kb [2778 download(s)]425.54 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-4 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship1.png 63.5 Kb [2968 download(s)]61.98 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-5 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship2.png 48.7 Kb [1454 download(s)]47.57 KB ship2b.png 46.5 Kb [986 download(s)]45.39 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship Fighter [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-fighter [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship3.png 89.6 Kb [2631 download(s)]87.46 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship Spiked Fighter [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-spiked-fighter [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship4.png 121.3 Kb [1595 download(s)]118.46 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-6 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship5.png 75.9 Kb [3471 download(s)]74.12 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship 6 [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-6-0 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship6.png 65.4 Kb [1454 download(s)]63.86 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2D Spaceship 7 (wubitog) [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-spaceship-7-wubitog [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship7.png 38.4 Kb [1311 download(s)]37.49 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship By Parts [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-by-parts [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship by parts.zip 464.3 Kb [1421 download(s)]453.44 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship (Medium size) [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-medium-size [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ship9.png 414.8 Kb [893 download(s)]405.06 KB ship9b.png 96.6 Kb [712 download(s)]94.32 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2D Spaceship 10 [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-spaceship-10 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize cartoon ship various colors.zip 1.4 Mb [1281 download(s)]1.32 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2D spaceship 11 [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-spaceship-11 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize baseship11.png 112.9 Kb [771 download(s)]110.26 KB baseship11.small_.png 18.1 Kb [435 download(s)]17.72 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship Fighter iPod1 [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-fighter-ipod1 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize spaceship1.from_.ipod_.zip 513.5 Kb [1050 download(s)]501.51 KB spaceship.pod_.1.blue_.png 88.7 Kb [1284 download(s)]86.61 KB spaceship.pod_.1.green_.png 87.2 Kb [911 download(s)]85.12 KB spaceship.pod_.1.purple.png 88.7 Kb [681 download(s)]86.59 KB spaceship.pod_.1.yellow.png 88.9 Kb [666 download(s)]86.83 KB spaceship.pod_.1.red_.png 84.5 Kb [1092 download(s)]82.53 KB spaceship.pod_.1.small_.blue_.png 14.8 Kb [567 download(s)]14.5 KB spaceship.pod_.1.small_.green_.png 14.8 Kb [471 download(s)]14.44 KB spaceship.pod_.1.small_.purple.png 15.1 Kb [411 download(s)]14.71 KB spaceship.pod_.1.small_.yellow.png 15 Kb [417 download(s)]14.68 KB spaceship.pod_.1.small_.red_.png 14.8 Kb [569 download(s)]14.44 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-8 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize spiked ship 3. small.blue_.PNG 28.1 Kb [5710 download(s)]27.48 KB spiked ship 3. small.green_.PNG 27.6 Kb [2638 download(s)]26.93 KB spiked ship 3. small.PNG 27.5 Kb [2332 download(s)]26.82 KB spiked ship 3.PNG 76.3 Kb [3746 download(s)]74.46 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceship from parts (now in flash) [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceship-from-parts-now-in-flash [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit Skorpio [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize flashtestship.png 40.7 Kb [877 download(s)]39.74 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Faction4 spacestation [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/faction4-spacestation [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Mention MillionthVector and, if feasible, place a link to his blog http://millionthvector.blogspot.de. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Spacestation-by-MillionthVector.png 248 Kb [2254 download(s)]242.23 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Heart of Machine [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/heart-of-machine [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Heart of Machine.mp3 7 Mb [773 download(s)]6.66 MB Heart of Machine.ogg 7.9 Mb [407 download(s)]7.5 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Spaceships from parts. part2art.com [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/spaceships-from-parts-part2artcom [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Credit Skorpio (original parts) and Wubitog. [File(s)] AttachmentSize part2art ship zip.zip 383.5 Kb [1378 download(s)]374.51 KB all previous ships.zip 4.2 Mb [1390 download(s)]4.03 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Trance Dub [Author] Android128 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/trance-dub [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Android128 - Trance Dub.mp3 8.6 Mb [140 download(s)]8.18 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Star ships [Author] canisferus [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/star-ships [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Abiogenesis.png 8 Mb [851 download(s)]7.65 MB StarDestroyer.png 7 Mb [917 download(s)]6.69 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Pioneers of future [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/pioneers-of-future [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize track-1.mp3 4.6 Mb [239 download(s)]4.39 MB track-1.ogg 4.1 Mb [164 download(s)]3.93 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Abelian [Author] Zander Noriega [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/abelian [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Credit me as Zander Noriega (and, if feasible, link my name to my Soundcloud or my Twitter). [File(s)] AttachmentSize Zander Noriega - Abelian.zip 36 Mb [579 download(s)]34.32 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi Drone Loop [Author] jdagenet [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-drone-loop [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Please credit me as jdagenet or Jason Dagenet. [File(s)] AttachmentSize Sci-Fi Drone.wav 1.4 Mb [1077 download(s)]1.35 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Electronic War (More music inside) [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/electronic-war-more-music-inside [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize 1.mp3 5.7 Mb [378 download(s)]5.46 MB 2.mp3 3.2 Mb [289 download(s)]3.01 MB 3.mp3 2.7 Mb [279 download(s)]2.61 MB 4.mp3 3.1 Mb [297 download(s)]3 MB 5.mp3 3.2 Mb [275 download(s)]3.02 MB 6.mp3 5.2 Mb [287 download(s)]4.94 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Elauri Alien Bust [Author] Justin Nichol [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/elauri-alien-bust [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Elauri Alien.zip 65.7 Mb [459 download(s)]62.67 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Captain [Author] Justin Nichol [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-captain [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Space_Captain.xcf 22.6 Mb [507 download(s)]21.55 MB Space_Captain.png 409.5 Kb [1399 download(s)]399.87 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] ENGINE ARCHON [Author] optate [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/engine-archon [License(s)] GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] So these are your orders. Pass a word around. Or I don't care. Names OPTATE check grooveshark Thanks [File(s)] AttachmentSize archon.mp3 5.3 Mb [104 download(s)]5.06 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Explosion sprite [Author] Aj_ [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/explosion-sprite [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize explosionFull.png 1.6 Mb [2308 download(s)]1.49 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Warzone Concept [Author] Justin Nichol [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/warzone-concept [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize SciFiEnvThumbs.xcf 46.6 Mb [290 download(s)]44.43 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Kick their ass [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/kick-their-ass [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Kick their ass.mp3 1.2 Mb [361 download(s)]1.17 MB Kick their ass.ogg 1.2 Mb [219 download(s)]1.13 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Biomech Dragon Cannon [Author] MetaShinryu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/biomech-dragon-cannon [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Credit MetaShinryu, Surt and Daniel Cook if you plan on using it. [File(s)] AttachmentSize cannon.xcf 404.8 Kb [205 download(s)]395.35 KB Biomech Dragon Cannon.png 30.8 Kb [708 download(s)]30.05 KB Biomech Dragon Cannon - sans handle.png 28.9 Kb [478 download(s)]28.24 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] It's not my fault [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/its-not-my-fault [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize It's not my fault.mp3 1.7 Mb [337 download(s)]1.62 MB It's not my fault.ogg 1.4 Mb [212 download(s)]1.35 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Heads retro [Author] Jerom [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/heads-retro [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize JEROM_heads0_CCBYSA3.png 5.7 Kb [1487 download(s)]5.56 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 5x special effects - 2D [Author] rubberduck [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/5x-special-effects-2d [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize 2d-special-effects.zip 656.9 Kb [6415 download(s)]641.54 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sky Game Menu [Author] Eric Matyas [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sky-game-menu [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit me as follows: "Sky Game Menu" by Eric Matyas Soundimage.org [File(s)] AttachmentSize Sky Game Menu.mp3 3.1 Mb [389 download(s)]2.91 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Factory on Mercury [Author] Eric Matyas [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/factory-on-mercury [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit me as follows: "Factory on Mercury" by Eric Matyas Soundimage.org [File(s)] AttachmentSize Factory On Mercury.mp3 1.6 Mb [153 download(s)]1.56 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Urban Jungle 2061 [Author] Eric Matyas [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/urban-jungle-2061 [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit me as follows: "Urban Jungle 2061" by Eric Matyas Soundimage.org [File(s)] AttachmentSize Urban Jungle 2061.mp3 2 Mb [208 download(s)]1.95 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi Close [Author] Eric Matyas [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-close [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please credit me as follows: "Sci-Fi Close" by Eric Matyas Soundimage.org [File(s)] AttachmentSize Sci-Fi Close.mp3 2.6 Mb [271 download(s)]2.45 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Just Among Us [Author] Android128 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/just-among-us [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] You want use this track in your project? Good! You can do this, but, please, tell about this to me ^^ Thank you! [File(s)] AttachmentSize Android128 - Just among us.mp3 1.8 Mb [121 download(s)]1.69 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Sound Effects [Author] messersm [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-sound-effects [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize SpaceSFX1.zip 134.8 Kb [2070 download(s)]131.59 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Energetic Electro Tune [Author] TinyWorlds [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/energetic-electro-tune [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize mixdown.ogg 2.1 Mb [294 download(s)]1.99 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-fi menus (2 shorts tracks) [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-menus-2-shorts-tracks [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize menu sci-fi.mp3 1.1 Mb [466 download(s)]1.02 MB menu sci-fi.ogg 1.5 Mb [278 download(s)]1.41 MB menu sci-fi 1.mp3 641 Kb [341 download(s)]625.99 KB menu sci-fi 1.ogg 889.2 Kb [236 download(s)]868.36 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Rock menu [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/rock-menu [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Rock menu track.mp3 3.3 Mb [302 download(s)]3.12 MB Rock menu track.ogg 4.6 Mb [163 download(s)]4.43 MB Rock menu track (without pad).mp3 3 Mb [179 download(s)]2.86 MB Rock menu track (without pad).ogg 4.3 Mb [133 download(s)]4.09 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Metal Song - Energetic [Author] TinyWorlds [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/metal-song-energetic [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ente_evil.mp3 1.6 Mb [588 download(s)]1.51 MB ente_evil.ogg 1.5 Mb [303 download(s)]1.46 MB metal song.zip 3.1 Mb [366 download(s)]2.95 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Dynamic Action Music Pack [Author] ViRiX [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/dynamic-action-music-pack [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] All I ask is that you place the following in the credits. "Some of the music in this project was created by ViRiX Dreamcore (David McKee soundcloud.com/virix" [File(s)] AttachmentSize Dynamic Music for Action.zip 37.5 Mb [574 download(s)]35.79 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Target position [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/target-position [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Target position.mp3 3.6 Mb [354 download(s)]3.43 MB Target position.ogg 5.2 Mb [219 download(s)]4.92 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi Textures [Author] marcelofg55 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-textures [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] If you use the track credit me as Marcelo Fernandez (with a link to my soundcloud if possible). [File(s)] AttachmentSize SciFi Texture.ogg 3.7 Mb [279 download(s)]3.55 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Undead Cyborg [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/undead-cyborg [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Undead Cyborg.mp3 3.1 Mb [397 download(s)]2.97 MB Undead Cyborg.ogg 4.6 Mb [267 download(s)]4.4 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] ambient_menu [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/ambientmenu [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize ambient_menu.mp3 4.4 Mb [866 download(s)]4.21 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Planet Collection & Builder [Author] RSL Labs [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/planet-collection-builder [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Please give credit as follows: Planets (from / created by ) Planet Collection & Builder by RSL Labs. http://opengameart.org/users/rsl-labs [File(s)] AttachmentSize PlanetsBuilder.zip 10.2 Mb [1572 download(s)]9.73 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2D Shooter Effects (Alpha version) [Author] Tatermand [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-shooter-effects-alpha-version [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Used this art in your project? Please, send me a note and maybe a some free copy of your game :) tatermand@gmail.com [File(s)] AttachmentSize Effects_v05_Publish.psd 8.7 Mb [11208 download(s)]8.28 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Top-Down Sci-fi Shooter Pack [Author] Tatermand [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/top-down-sci-fi-shooter-pack [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] used this art in your project? Please, send me a note and maybe a some free copy of your game :) tatermand@gmail.com [File(s)] AttachmentSize TopDownShooterPublish.psd 95.8 Mb [10391 download(s)]91.38 MB TopDownShooterPublish_Lite.psd 27.2 Mb [5728 download(s)]25.93 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Asteroid - Rotating [Author] dczanik [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/asteroid-rotating [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize asteroid-big-0000.png 15.6 Kb [1710 download(s)]15.28 KB asteroid-big-0001.png 15.9 Kb [754 download(s)]15.56 KB asteroid-big-0002.png 16.3 Kb [623 download(s)]15.95 KB asteroid-big-0003.png 17.4 Kb [521 download(s)]17.02 KB asteroid-big-0004.png 17.5 Kb [525 download(s)]17.1 KB asteroid-big-0005.png 17.3 Kb [515 download(s)]16.85 KB asteroid-big-0006.png 17.1 Kb [510 download(s)]16.67 KB asteroid-big-0007.png 17.2 Kb [489 download(s)]16.77 KB asteroid-big-0008.png 17.1 Kb [448 download(s)]16.67 KB asteroid-big-0009.png 17.2 Kb [555 download(s)]16.76 KB asteroid-big-0010.png 16.8 Kb [470 download(s)]16.41 KB asteroid-big-0011.png 15.9 Kb [426 download(s)]15.57 KB asteroid-big-0012.png 15.4 Kb [469 download(s)]14.99 KB asteroid-big-0013.png 15.3 Kb [424 download(s)]14.96 KB asteroid-big-0014.png 15.8 Kb [459 download(s)]15.39 KB asteroid-big-0015.png 16.4 Kb [456 download(s)]16.02 KB asteroid-big-0016.png 16.9 Kb [522 download(s)]16.55 KB asteroid-big-0017.png 16.8 Kb [579 download(s)]16.42 KB asteroid-big-0018.png 17 Kb [436 download(s)]16.62 KB asteroid-big-0019.png 17.1 Kb [508 download(s)]16.68 KB asteroid-big-0020.png 17.3 Kb [558 download(s)]16.88 KB asteroid-big-0021.png 17.2 Kb [677 download(s)]16.76 KB asteroid-big-0022.png 17 Kb [593 download(s)]16.63 KB asteroid-big-0023.png 17 Kb [1269 download(s)]16.56 KB asteroid-big-0024.png 16.8 Kb [1365 download(s)]16.42 KB asteroid-big-0025.png 16.7 Kb [574 download(s)]16.29 KB asteroid-big-0026.png 16.7 Kb [585 download(s)]16.35 KB asteroid-big-0027.png 16.8 Kb [673 download(s)]16.41 KB asteroid-big-0028.png 16.4 Kb [458 download(s)]15.98 KB asteroid-big-0029.png 15.7 Kb [458 download(s)]15.36 KB asteroid-big-0030.png 14.2 Kb [727 download(s)]13.83 KB asteroid-big-0031.png 13.8 Kb [1242 download(s)]13.45 KB asteroid-big-0032.png 12.1 Kb [473 download(s)]11.82 KB asteroid-big-0033.png 10.4 Kb [583 download(s)]10.17 KB asteroid-big-sprite.png 372.4 Kb [1009 download(s)]363.63 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Gi-i Dark Ambient Techno [Author] SouljahdeShiva [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/gi-i-dark-ambient-techno [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize giii_8inst_1.mp3 3.3 Mb [488 download(s)]3.14 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Tragic ambient main menu [Author] HaelDB [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/tragic-ambient-main-menu [License(s)] OGA-BY 3.0, CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ambientmain_0.ogg 2 Mb [5231 download(s)]1.88 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Electron Nebula [Author] kitart360 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/electron-nebula [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize electron nebula.png 14.8 Mb [748 download(s)]14.09 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Futuristic-Resources [Author] section31 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/futuristic-resources [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize S31-Futuristic-Resources.ogg 4.5 Mb [445 download(s)]4.26 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] cnc machine [Author] hectavex [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/cnc-machine [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize cnc machine.mp3 2.3 Mb [108 download(s)]2.21 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] bent time machine [Author] hectavex [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/bent-time-machine [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize bent time machine.mp3 2.8 Mb [78 download(s)]2.65 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] fantasy [Author] hectavex [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/fantasy [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize fantasy.mp3 2.4 Mb [250 download(s)]2.31 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Convergence [Author] Trevor Lentz [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/convergence [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Please just credit me (Trevor Lentz) if you use my music. :) [File(s)] AttachmentSize Convergence-CryptoEdition-320.zip 140.9 Mb [268 download(s)]134.37 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Music (Blind Shift) [Author] PetterTheSturgeon [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-music-blind-shift [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Blind Shift.mp3 4.9 Mb [833 download(s)]4.63 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Betrayed [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/betrayed [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Alexander Zhelanov Betrayed.mp3 1.8 Mb [704 download(s)]1.74 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi Sound Effects Library [Author] Little Robot So... [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-sound-effects-library [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Attribute Little Robot Sound Factory, and provide this link where possible: www.littlerobotsoundfactory.com [File(s)] AttachmentSize Sci-Fi Sound Library.zip 42.3 Mb [6295 download(s)]40.3 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] neocrey - Laser Millenium [Author] neocrey [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/neocrey-laser-millenium [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] neocrey - neocrey.com [File(s)] AttachmentSize Laser Millenium.wav 49.6 Mb [329 download(s)]47.27 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Grid HUD [Author] Ivan Voirol [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/grid-hud [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Ivan voirol [File(s)] AttachmentSize Grid.png 76.9 Kb [3426 download(s)]75.13 KB Grid2.png 27.3 Kb [2849 download(s)]26.66 KB Grid3.png 711.7 Kb [3162 download(s)]695.06 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Background [Author] ansimuz [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-background-3 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space_background_pack.zip 87.8 Kb [18196 download(s)]85.7 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Starship Security Officer [Author] Justin Nichol [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/starship-security-officer [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize SecurityOfficer.xcf 27.3 Mb [1048 download(s)]26.08 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Smoke [Author] kitart360 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/smoke [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize smoke.png 17.8 Mb [309 download(s)]17 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Ulukai's space skyboxes [Author] Calinou [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/ulukais-space-skyboxes [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ulukai.zip 8.6 Mb [5633 download(s)]8.2 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Alien Floor [Author] TinyWorlds [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/alien-floor [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize alien.zip 2.1 Mb [813 download(s)]2.05 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Terrian Space ships Set [Author] Xavier4321 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/terrian-space-ships-set [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Hero Ship Med.blend 4.9 Mb [840 download(s)]4.65 MB TerranSience Lab.blend 8.8 Mb [553 download(s)]8.37 MB LargeBlueShip.png 131.4 Kb [1347 download(s)]128.34 KB Blue Buster.blend 5 Mb [470 download(s)]4.76 MB Small Terrain.blend 3 Mb [454 download(s)]2.9 MB Bomber.blend 7.1 Mb [443 download(s)]6.75 MB Ship Yard.blend 6 Mb [437 download(s)]5.69 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Merc [Author] surt [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-merc [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space_merc.png 81.8 Kb [11556 download(s)]79.88 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Die for the Empire Boss 4 [Author] TheBlackSword [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/die-for-the-empire-boss-4 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] If you wish to give credit for this file, credit the original author, not me. [File(s)] AttachmentSize boss4.png 6.4 Kb [148 download(s)]6.24 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Die for the Empire Ships [Author] TheBlackSword [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/die-for-the-empire-ships [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] If you wish to provide attribution, credit the original authors, not me. [File(s)] AttachmentSize player - Copy.png 1.1 Kb [494 download(s)]1.12 KB playerD.png 358 b [389 download(s)]358 bytes ships.bmp 485.8 Kb [441 download(s)]474.46 KB playerDeath.png 4.4 Kb [336 download(s)]4.32 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Top-Down Sci-fi Shooter/Defense Pack [Author] Tatermand [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/top-down-sci-fi-shooterdefense-pack [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Used this art in your project? Please, send me a note and maybe a some free copy of your game :) tatermand@gmail.com skype: tatermand [File(s)] AttachmentSize Defense.psd 11.9 Mb [5994 download(s)]11.36 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space sprites. [Author] Vyntershtoff [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-sprites [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] If You don't want to You don't have to use my name anywhere in you project. But if You like it, please let me know if this art was useful) [File(s)] AttachmentSize Space Sprites.zip 6.5 Mb [5332 download(s)]6.2 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Top-Down Sci-fi Shooter Some Random Guys & Terrain Texture [Author] Tatermand [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/top-down-sci-fi-shooter-some-random-guys-terrain-texture [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Used this art in your project? Please, send me a note and maybe a some free copy of your game :) tatermand@gmail.com skype: tatermand [File(s)] AttachmentSize SomeRandomGuys.psd 44.2 Mb [3242 download(s)]42.11 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Backgrounds 6 [Author] Rawdanitsu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-backgrounds-6 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] There is no need for atribution - this work is 100% free for any kind of use - you can change it, you can use it commercialy/non commercialy, you can sell it, you can make money out of it, you don't have to credit me or anything or telling me you are using it - it's PUBLIC DOMAIN and I don't care what you'll do with it, as long as you'll not kill anyone with it :) FREE - means: FREE! [File(s)] AttachmentSize Background-1.jpg 4 Mb [1403 download(s)]3.77 MB Background-2.jpg 4.2 Mb [1145 download(s)]4.02 MB Background-3.jpg 2.8 Mb [1116 download(s)]2.7 MB Background-4.jpg 3.8 Mb [1158 download(s)]3.61 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Shield effect [Author] Bonsaiheldin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/shield-effect [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Bonsaiheldin | Link to this page [File(s)] AttachmentSize spr_shield.png 481.1 Kb [8064 download(s)]469.82 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] neocrey - Rise [Author] neocrey [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/neocrey-rise [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] neocrey - neocrey.com [File(s)] AttachmentSize Rise.wav 25.6 Mb [248 download(s)]24.39 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] neocrey - Disco Century [Author] neocrey [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/neocrey-disco-century [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] neocrey - neocrey.com [File(s)] AttachmentSize Disco Century.wav 39.7 Mb [222 download(s)]37.85 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] neocrey - Jump to win [Author] neocrey [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/neocrey-jump-to-win [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize neocrey - Jump to win.mp3 8.8 Mb [451 download(s)]8.34 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Dream Raid (Cinematic Action Soundtrack) [Author] Matthew Pablo [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/dream-raid-cinematic-action-soundtrack [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please read this page for attribution instructions: http://www.matthewpablo.com/services [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Dream Raid Pack.zip 19.6 Mb [4099 download(s)]18.69 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Planet9 [Author] bart [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/planet9 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize planet9_by_61924.zip 13.5 Mb [864 download(s)]12.88 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Top-down space fighter sprite [Author] qubodup [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/top-down-space-fighter-sprite [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize fighter.png 31.4 Kb [1324 download(s)]30.62 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space ship floating sounds(2) [Author] pauliuw [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-ship-floating-sounds2 [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize space_ship_floating_sound_1.mp3 784.7 Kb [1215 download(s)]766.31 KB space_ship_floating_sound.mp3 780.6 Kb [907 download(s)]762.3 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Sci-Fi electronic [lost signal] [Author] PetterTheSturgeon [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/sci-fi-electronic-lost-signal [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Lost signal main theme (WIP).mp3 2.2 Mb [588 download(s)]2.13 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 13 Ambient Machine Sounds [Author] bart [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/13-ambient-machine-sounds [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ambient machinery 2.zip 16.6 Mb [1546 download(s)]15.8 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 12 Ambient Machine Sounds [Author] bart [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/12-ambient-machine-sounds [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ambient machinery 1.zip 17.4 Mb [1211 download(s)]16.57 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Collaboration / Sound Effects Machine 001 [Author] jalastram [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/collaboration-sound-effects-machine-001 [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Jesús Lastra [File(s)] AttachmentSize Sound Effects Machine 001.zip 7 Mb [393 download(s)]6.69 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Short alarm [Author] yd [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/short-alarm [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize alarm.ogg 27.5 Kb [3839 download(s)]26.88 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] UI Sound effects pack [Author] ViRiX [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/ui-sound-effects-pack [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please place this in the credits of your project "Some of the sounds in this project were created by David McKee (ViRiX) soundcloud.com/virix" Thank you. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize UI pack 1.zip 3.3 Mb [15795 download(s)]3.19 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Ship & Mech Construction Kit 2 [Author] Skorpio [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-ship-mech-construction-kit-2 [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Just add my nickname to your credits list. If you want, you can also link to my OGA profile. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize SpaceshipConstructionKit2.zip 759.5 Kb [6293 download(s)]741.74 KB ExampleShips.zip 252.4 Kb [4995 download(s)]246.5 KB OriginalHumanShips.zip 305.9 Kb [4785 download(s)]298.71 KB Mechs.zip 1.9 Mb [5283 download(s)]1.82 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] GAME UI - SIMPLE OUTLINE [CIRCLES] [Author] PR [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/game-ui-simple-outline-circles [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Credit "PR GAMES & APPS" > This is Not Mandatory. [File(s)] AttachmentSize GAME UI - SIMPLE OUTLINE [CIRCLES] .zip 231.2 Kb [1220 download(s)]225.75 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Another space background track [Author] yd [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/another-space-background-track [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize ObservingTheStar.zip 786 Kb [11412 download(s)]767.6 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Space Boss Battle Theme [Author] Matthew Pablo [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/space-boss-battle-theme [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please read this page for attribution instructions: http://www.matthewpablo.com/services [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Orbital Colossus.mp3 6.1 Mb [9210 download(s)]5.79 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Rise of Spirit [Author] Alexandr Zhelanov [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/rise-of-spirit [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Alexandr Zhelanov, https://soundcloud.com/alexandr-zhelanov [File(s)] AttachmentSize Rise of spirit.mp3 1.3 Mb [4065 download(s)]1.25 MB Rise of spirit.ogg 1.6 Mb [1644 download(s)]1.48 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Large Spaceship [Author] wubitog [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/large-spaceship [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit wubitog and Skorpio ( http://opengameart.org/users/skorpio ) or just credit Skorpio since it is all his artwork to my knowledge. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize large.ship_.1.PNG 151.7 Kb [1067 download(s)]148.19 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Modular Ships [Author] surt [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/modular-ships [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize modular_ships.png 23.2 Kb [14241 download(s)]22.65 KB ----------------------------------------