[Title] Carmack [Author] professorlamp [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/carmack [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] To download, right click the file underneath 'File(s)' and click 'save link as'. Please credit me as 'Joe Reynolds - Professorlamp' Refer people to my website at - jrtheories.webs.com Thank you [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Carmack m.mp3 4.1 Mb [179 download(s)]3.93 MB Carmack FadeEndm.mp3 4.4 Mb [100 download(s)]4.2 MB Carmack NoFX.mp3 4.1 Mb [92 download(s)]3.89 MB ----------------------------------------