[Title] Glitch Alpine Landscape (SVG) [Author] bart [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/glitch-alpine-landscape-svg [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] There is no obligation to link or credit the works, but if you do, please link to glitchthegame.com, our permanent "retirement" site for the game and these assets. Of course, links/shoutouts to Tiny Speck (tinyspeck.com) and/or Slack (slack.com) are appreciated. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize glitch-alpine-svg.7z 3.3 Mb [3477 download(s)]3.19 MB index_alpine.jpg 692.1 Kb [2922 download(s)]675.91 KB ----------------------------------------