[Title] LPC Weapons: two bows, a spear and a trident [Author] daneeklu [Collaborators] wulax, gr3yh47 [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-weapons-two-bows-a-spear-and-a-trident [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize dragonspear.png 20 Kb [3485 download(s)]19.55 KB greatbow.png 13.6 Kb [3161 download(s)]13.23 KB trident.png 20.7 Kb [2541 download(s)]20.26 KB mace_sheet.png 5.5 Kb [2786 download(s)]5.36 KB sabre_sheet.png 4.8 Kb [2988 download(s)]4.67 KB recurvebow_sheet.png 13.7 Kb [3122 download(s)]13.41 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Medieval fantasy character sprites [Author] wulax [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-medieval-fantasy-character-sprites [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] I waive the DRM-limitation clause in the Creative Commons license for this art collection, allowing their free use on platforms like iOS or Steam provided you give credit as specified. [File(s)] AttachmentSize lpc_entry.zip 3.2 Mb [52898 download(s)]3.08 MB expansion_pack-0.04.zip 1.1 Mb [37555 download(s)]1.07 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Wolf Animation [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Redshrike [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-wolf-animation [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Attribute Stephen "Redshrike" Challener as graphic artist and William.Thompsonj as contributor. If reasonable link back to this page or the OGA homepage. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize howl.png 1.9 Kb [10194 download(s)]1.84 KB wolfsheet1.png 85.8 Kb [12948 download(s)]83.78 KB wolfsheet2.png 84.9 Kb [7694 download(s)]82.89 KB wolfsheet3.png 86.2 Kb [6589 download(s)]84.14 KB wolfsheet4.png 86.4 Kb [6268 download(s)]84.37 KB wolfsheet5.png 86.3 Kb [6718 download(s)]84.27 KB wolfsheet6.png 86.5 Kb [7136 download(s)]84.5 KB wolfsheetsSource.psd 4.3 Mb [6503 download(s)]4.15 MB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Bat sprite [Author] bagzie [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/bat-sprite [License(s)] OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize 32x32-bat-sprite.png 2.6 Kb [18850 download(s)]2.57 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Spider [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Redshrike [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-spider [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Attribute Stephen "Redshrike" Challener as graphic artist and William.Thompsonj as contributor. If reasonable link to this page or the OGA homepage. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize LPC_Spiders.zip 1 Mb [10383 download(s)]989.6 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] LPC beetle [Author] Redshrike [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-beetle [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Stephen "Redshrike" Challener, plus a link back to opengameart.org [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Stephen Challener (Redshrike), hosted by OpenGameArt.org [File(s)] AttachmentSize beetle5.PNG 6.4 Kb [6229 download(s)]6.29 KB mace.PNG 615 b [3597 download(s)]615 bytes ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2d Lost Garden Zelda style tiles resized to 32x32 with additions [Author] Zabin [Collaborators] Jetrel, Bertram [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-lost-garden-zelda-style-tiles-resized-to-32x32-with-additions [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit goes to Daniel Cook's 2d Circle Graphic Archive, Jetrel's mockups resized 32x32, Bertram's improvements, Zabin's modification and additions, Saphy (TMW) tall grass and please provide a link back to OGA and this submission. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize mountain_landscape.png 515.6 Kb [23082 download(s)]503.54 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] UI pack: RPG extension [Author] Kenney [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/ui-pack-rpg-extension [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Credit "Kenney.nl" or "www.kenney.nl", this is not mandatory. [File(s)] AttachmentSize UIpack_RPG.zip 214.4 Kb [27125 download(s)]209.37 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] LPC Animated Water and waterfalls [Author] ZaPaper [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-animated-water-and-waterfalls [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Use the original LPC license and attribution. Would be nice to also link to my RPG Game Maker. [File(s)] AttachmentSize wateranimate2.png 45.4 Kb [7516 download(s)]44.34 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2d lost Garden tileset transition to Jetrel's Wood tileset [Author] Zabin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-lost-garden-tileset-transition-to-jetrels-wood-tileset [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Credit goes to Jetrel, Daniel Cook, Bertram and Zabin [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize wood_tileset.png 293.6 Kb [12986 download(s)]286.67 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Stone Bridge tiles 32x32 [Author] Reemax [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/stone-bridge-tiles-32x32 [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Stone bridge tiles made by Tuomo Untinen [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize stone-bridge.png 48 Kb [5046 download(s)]46.87 KB stone-bridge2.png 51.8 Kb [4502 download(s)]50.57 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Sand+Rock Alt Colors [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] daneeklu [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-sandrock-alt-colors [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please attribute William.Thompsonj, Daniel Eddeland, and link back to this page. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize sand.png 29.4 Kb [4046 download(s)]28.74 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Terrain Repack [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-terrain-repack [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please see the text file copied from the LPC Tile Atlas. I take no credit for any of the graphics included here, I only repacked them using Tiled. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize terrain.zip 170.6 Kb [16708 download(s)]166.64 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Thatched-roof Cottage [Author] bluecarrot16 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-thatched-roof-cottage [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] "LPC Thatched-roof Cottage" by bluecarrot16. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 / GPL 3.0+ Based on: "LPC Base Assets" by Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm) and Daniel Armstrong (AKA HughSpectrum). License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 / GPL 3.0+. http://opengameart.org/content/liberated-pixel-cup-lpc-base-assets-sprites-map-tiles "LPC art entry" by Casper Nilsson. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 / GPL 3.0+. http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-cnilsson [File(s)] AttachmentSize cottage.png 55.8 Kb [5093 download(s)]54.47 KB thatched-roof.png 51.8 Kb [4791 download(s)]50.58 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] LPC terrain extension [Author] caeles [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-terrain-extension [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] For detailed copyright information see the file COPYRIGHT in the archive. The authors are Cem Kalyoncu, Connor Sherson, Daniel Eddeland, Johann Charlot, Jonas Klinger, Juan Rodriguez, Lanea Zimmerman, Mark Weyer, and Skyler Robert Colladay. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize lpc_terrain.tar 962.6 Kb [5934 download(s)]940 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Plant Repack [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] pennomi, laetissima, C.Nilsson, Sharm, Johann C, Reemax [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-plant-repack [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please see the credits file. If I missed someone or wrongly included someone please let me know, I'll fix it. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize credits.zip 605 b [9536 download(s)]605 bytes plant repack.png 78.6 Kb [25230 download(s)]76.72 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Tree variations from Jetrel's Wood tileset [Author] Bertram [Collaborators] Zabin [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/tree-variations-from-jetrels-wood-tileset [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please Credit Jetrel, Zabin, and Bertram from OGA along with respect to the current license. Thanks! [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize tree-variations.png 140.8 Kb [5873 download(s)]137.52 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Castle Tiles for RPG's [Author] Zabin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/castle-tiles-for-rpgs [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Zabin, Hyptosis, and Danial Cook. https://opengameart.org/content/castle-tiles-for-rpgs [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Castle2.png 149.9 Kb [15194 download(s)]146.38 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] 2d Lost Garden Zelda style tiles winter theme with additions [Author] Zabin [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/2d-lost-garden-zelda-style-tiles-winter-theme-with-additions [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Daniel Cook, Jetrel, yd, and Zabin. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize snowWIP.png 469.5 Kb [5933 download(s)]458.45 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Windows & Doors [Author] bluecarrot16 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-windows-doors [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] "LPC Windows & Doors" by bluecarrot16, Lanea Zimmerman (Sharm) and Daniel Armstrong (HughSpectrum), Casper Nilsson, Anamaris, Krusmira, Keith Karnage, Guido Bos, and Talosaurus. License: CC-BY-SA 3.0 / GPL 3.0+ Please link back to this page on OpenGameArt: https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-windows-doors . See CREDITS-windows-doors.txt. You MUST include all information in this file when distributing these images! [File(s)] AttachmentSize windows.png 64.5 Kb [3294 download(s)]63.02 KB doors.png 78.5 Kb [3551 download(s)]76.71 KB lpc-windows-doors-v2.zip 114.2 Kb [1022 download(s)]111.51 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Golem [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Redshrike [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-golem [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Attribute Stephen "Redshrike" Challener as graphic artist and William.Thompsonj as contributor. If reasonable link to this page or the OGA homepage. [File(s)] AttachmentSize golem-walk.png 25.1 Kb [8762 download(s)]24.52 KB golem-atk.png 27.8 Kb [6687 download(s)]27.13 KB golem-die.png 12.3 Kb [5765 download(s)]12.04 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Skeleton [Author] rhimlock [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-skeleton [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize skeleton.png 103.7 Kb [5306 download(s)]101.24 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Water Fountain [Author] Curt [Collaborators] William.Thompsonj, Curt [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-water-fountain [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Curt, Sharm, William.Thompsonj, This Webaddress [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize WaterFountain.png 7.2 Kb [3174 download(s)]7.04 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Farming tilesets, magic animations and UI elements [Author] daneeklu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-and-ui-elements [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please attribute creator as Daniel Eddeland. Please include a link to opengameart.org as well (preferably to the submission for this art package) if you use the art. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize submission_daneeklu.zip 556.6 Kb [13540 download(s)]543.52 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Guido Bos entries cut up [Author] TMM [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-guido-bos-entries-cut-up [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please use the LPC attribution instructions for this work [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize miscellaneous.png 2.8 Kb [2237 download(s)]2.75 KB town_buildings.png 12.9 Kb [2489 download(s)]12.6 KB housey.png 6.9 Kb [2323 download(s)]6.77 KB flowers.png 18.9 Kb [1987 download(s)]18.48 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Horse [Author] bluecarrot16 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-horse [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] "[LPC] Horse" Artist: bluecarrot16 License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 Please link to opengameart: http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-horse [File(s)] AttachmentSize horse.png 52.6 Kb [2609 download(s)]51.37 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Turkey [Author] bluecarrot16 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-turkey [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] "LPC Turkey" by bluecarrot16. License: CC-BY 3.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 / GPL 2.0+ [File(s)] AttachmentSize turkey.png 41.3 Kb [2258 download(s)]40.3 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] LPC style farm animals [Author] daneeklu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-style-farm-animals [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Attribute to Daniel Eddeland, and link to opengameart (preferably this submission). [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize chicken_eat.png 4.4 Kb [10128 download(s)]4.33 KB chicken_walk.png 4.1 Kb [10126 download(s)]4.03 KB chicken_shadow.png 271 b [7857 download(s)]271 bytes cow_eat.png 11.6 Kb [8595 download(s)]11.31 KB cow_walk.png 10.4 Kb [9940 download(s)]10.14 KB cow_shadow.png 745 b [7232 download(s)]745 bytes llama_eat.png 11.1 Kb [7284 download(s)]10.79 KB llama_walk.png 11.3 Kb [7751 download(s)]11.02 KB llama_shadow.png 747 b [6713 download(s)]747 bytes pig_eat.png 6.1 Kb [7755 download(s)]5.93 KB pig_walk.png 5.5 Kb [8693 download(s)]5.35 KB sheep_eat.png 8.8 Kb [7944 download(s)]8.59 KB sheep_walk.png 8.2 Kb [9073 download(s)]8.03 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Goat [Author] bluecarrot16 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-goat [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] "LPC Goat" by bluecarrot16. License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 2.0+ Based on "LPC Style Farm Animals" by Daniel Eddeland (daneeklu), commissioned by Thomas Bruno (tebruno99). License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 2+. http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-style-farm-animals [File(s)] AttachmentSize goat.png 45.4 Kb [3570 download(s)]44.38 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Grue [Author] Jesse McCarthy [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/grue [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] A mention in the credits is appreciated, but I honestly don't care as long as you don't try to pass it as your own. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize Grue.zip 21.7 Kb [3258 download(s)]21.2 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Imp 2 [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Redshrike [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-imp-2 [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Attribute Stephen "Redshrike" Challener as graphic artist and William.Thompsonj as contributor. If reasonable link to this page or the OGA homepage. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize LPC Imp 2.zip 457 Kb [5096 download(s)]446.31 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Dungeon Elements [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Sharm [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-dungeon-elements [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please link this page (if reasonable), attribute Sharm as graphic artist, and me as contributor. credit.txt included for convenience. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize dungeon.zip 40.4 Kb [9358 download(s)]39.46 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Adobe Building Set [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Sharm [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-adobe-building-set [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please link this page (if reasonable), attribute Sharm as graphic artist, and me as contributor (since I did pay out of the goodness of my heart to have this set made after all...). File called credit.txt included for convenience. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize adobe building set.zip 17.3 Kb [4006 download(s)]16.85 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] LPC Cave Stairs [Author] makrohn [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-cave-stairs [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Adapted by Matthew Krohn from originals by Lanea Zimmerman [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize cavesteps.png 2.8 Kb [1251 download(s)]2.71 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Adobe Town Set [Author] bluecarrot16 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-adobe-town-set [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] "Adobe Town Set" Artist: bluecarrot16 License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 Please link to page on opengameart. Based on "[LPC] Adobe Building Set" Artist: Sharm (Lanea Zimmerman) Contributor: William.Thompsonj (William Thompson) License: CC-BY 3.0 / GPL 3.0 / GPL 2.0 / OGA-BY 3.0 http://opengameart.org/content/lpc-adobe-building-set [File(s)] AttachmentSize adobe-2.png 28 Kb [5126 download(s)]27.33 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Cavern and ruin tiles [Author] Reemax [Collaborators] Sharm, Hyptosis, Johann C, HughSpectrum, Redshrike, William.Thompsonj, wulax [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-cavern-and-ruin-tiles [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] see credits.txt [File(s)] AttachmentSize LPC_cavern_ruins.zip 383.4 Kb [3740 download(s)]374.44 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] LPC Caves [Author] mikest [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-caves [License(s)] CC0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] I believe the original author is: Lanea Zimmerman (AKA Sharm) so please use that as the attibution [File(s)] AttachmentSize caves.png 16.3 Kb [1814 download(s)]15.92 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Tiled Terrains [Author] adrix89 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/tiled-terrains [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Read the Attribution.txt [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize LPC_Terrain.zip 250.2 Kb [35216 download(s)]244.35 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Animated water and fire [Author] Curt [Collaborators] Curt [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-animated-water-and-fire [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Sharm and Curt this web address [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize WaterAndFire.png 14.8 Kb [5149 download(s)]14.48 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Goblin - Full Sheet [Author] William.Thompsonj [Collaborators] Redshrike [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-goblin-full-sheet [License(s)] CC-BY 4.0, CC-BY 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Provide a link to my profile. Attribute Stephen "Redshrike" Challener as graphic artist and William.Thompsonj as contributor. [File(s)] AttachmentSize goblin-back-slash.gif 3.9 Kb [1938 download(s)]3.8 KB goblin.zip 326.3 Kb [2618 download(s)]318.69 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] [LPC] Maskman [Author] Nushio [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lpc-maskman [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize maskman.zip 79.5 Kb [1099 download(s)]77.61 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Drakes and lizardfolk [Author] Nila122 [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/drakes-and-lizardfolk [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0, GPL 2.0, OGA-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] [Copyright/Attribution Notice] Original Walkcycle, Hurt, Slash, and Spellcast animations by Stephen Challener (AKA Redshrike), Female body by Makrohn, Shooting and Thrusting animations by Johannes Sjölund. [File(s)] AttachmentSize Reptile.zip 971.1 Kb [3272 download(s)]948.31 KB ---------------------------------------- [Title] Extended LPC Magic pack [Author] daneeklu [Collaborators] [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/extended-lpc-magic-pack [License(s)] CC-BY-SA 3.0, GPL 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Attribute creator as Daniel Eddeland. Please include a link to opengameart.org as well (preferably to the submission for this art package) if you use the art. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize magic_pack.zip 505 Kb [4413 download(s)]493.15 KB snake_right.png 13.1 Kb [2741 download(s)]12.83 KB turtleshell_right.png 8.8 Kb [2636 download(s)]8.57 KB magic_icons.png 30.5 Kb [3162 download(s)]29.83 KB ----------------------------------------