[Title] Lots of free 2d tiles and sprites by Hyptosis [Author] Zabin [Collaborators] Zabin [URL] https://lpc.opengameart.org/content/lots-of-free-2d-tiles-and-sprites-by-hyptosis [License(s)] CC-BY 3.0 [SPECIAL ATTRIBUTION INSTRUCTIONS] Please credit Hyptosis and Zabin (only drew 6 frames of the bomb's wick burning) from OGA and respect to the License. [Copyright/Attribution Notice] [File(s)] AttachmentSize hyptosis_tile-art-batch-1.png 525 Kb [58980 download(s)]512.72 KB hyptosis_til-art-batch-2.png 352.8 Kb [44612 download(s)]344.54 KB hyptosis_tile-art-batch-3.png 338.1 Kb [22185 download(s)]330.14 KB hyptosis_tile-art-batch-4.png 139.1 Kb [39806 download(s)]135.88 KB hyptosis_tile-art-batch-5.png 194.5 Kb [40253 download(s)]189.92 KB hyptosis_sprites-and-tiles-for-you.png 166.3 Kb [44986 download(s)]162.45 KB BombExploding.png 7.6 Kb [33691 download(s)]7.4 KB ----------------------------------------