3D Dungeon Tileset
3D Dungeon Tileset
Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 07:28
Art Type:
I made this tile set for OpenDungeons. The preview is just a mock-up render.
I needed to create a lot of connector tiles to close all gaps.
The photo sources of the textures are from Burningwell.org. The torches are not included and the barrels can be found here: http://opengameart.org/content/wood-barrels-pack
The tiles have a binary naming scheme (0 if the adjacent tile is empty, if the adjacent tile is filled).
Explained here: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=3949&hilit=tileset+binary
There's also an .obj export script in the source file that will batch export all selected objects.

That mock-up looks really sweet.
Finally! Thanks for sharing it Skorpio!!
These look very useful, thanks!
Finally something useful. If you can do more tilesets for random dungeon generation, that would be really nice.
I'll probably create more sets, but I'm working on other stuff now. Especially some texture variations would be good to reduce the repetitiveness. We haven't figured out a good way to make transitions between different materials yet. I wonder if it's possible to use texture splatting over several tiles.
Fantastic work, skorpio!
Here's a quick video of an example of using this tileset:
Ohhh cool. :) Now I gotta push our coders to finally implement the new tiles in OD as well. :P
Wow that looks amazing :) We should better get this into OD asap :) Again nice work Skorpio :)
Farrer nice work :) What game is it your working on there? :)
@Svenskmand : It's from our ~7 years old project, DNT, more specifically, its map editor.
If you wanna look into the code for the tile editor, it's here (need some cleanup, though). The function to look into is void TileWall::setTileModels(). The idea is for each possible tile, check its neighbors and, based on its numbers and relative positions to the current one, set the current tile model...
I do not know how to work with blender -> unity when working with downloaded models. When I open this up in blender, it doesn't show textures, but the objects show they have them, also when I export this and import it into unity it's all 1 object, how can I fix these issues?
This is a really nice add by the way, I really love it's design and can see use for it.
To see the textures you have to switch to textured mode Alt-Z and add some lamps Shift-A -> add -> lamp -> point, spot or sun. The textures are packed in the blend file, maybe your exporter can copy them automatically, otherwise you have to save/unpack them manually.
I don't know why it's only one object after the export, you have to check the instructions of your export script.
I know that the old Blender 2.49 to OGRE exporter works fine.
Cool, never seen dungeon structured as fortress, very interesting
Hey, you did FANTASTIC Work here.
I use your Tilesets for my Version of a Dungeon Keeper-Like game.
I use Java as Program Language. My KI is Based on BDI-Software-Agents.
My KI and GameLogic ist okay, but i am a very bad 3d Artist....so what you did here is really really AWESOME.
I created an algorithm to choose always the correct Tileset inside the Szene according to the Neighboors. I post some Screenshots here. I use several different Textures on your Tilesets, for example the Reinforced Wall etc.
I am looking forward for some Tilesets that look a little bit like the Reinforced Wall from the Original Dungeon Keeper. Maybe I have to make them myself, have to get more used to Blender ^^
Fullsized Links:
That's great! Good job! You remind me to update the file here, and I think I still haven't uploaded the new lava and water tiles to our SVN repository (I'm busy atm). I see you have found our repository already. :) Is your project open source, too? It would be cool if you could contribute to Open Dungeons as well, because we have a lack of developers, but it's written in C++ not Java. Maybe you could share your knowledge and ideas with the people on our forum. http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewforum.php?f=15
Are you able to switch the textures of the walls or do you have to export new unique walls for each texture? For OD I have to export unique walls for each material atm, even though the models are identical.
BTW, I'm currently trying to create a simpler tile set, but I'm having some problems. http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=3913 Does anyone here have an idea for a simpler solution?
Yes the OD Repository helps alot to make a jump Start with models that are already working. I will not keep everything, i like to do some stuff in Blender too myself but it helps for a very fast start. And i LOVE the IMP from OD. :)
My Project is in General Open Source, but the Code is not published yet somewhere, but will be sometimes.
Its actually part of the Jadex Agent Framework. I developed 3d Support for the Agent Simulation.
How to Share my Idea in the freegamedev Board? DonĀ“t know but the Baisic Idea is really Simple. I could just describe how I did it. No wierd if-then-else solution, just binary code according to the neighbors. Maybe i could register there and share my solution in detail.
Of course I just switch the textures! Dont have to use a new Model (that would be very stupid and just produces lots of errors and to many things to...i think to od developers could do that better too) for different materials.
I just load the mesh and load the material dynamic according to the actual Object in the scene. Gold material if it is a gold cube, dirt of dirt and so on...
materials are not fixed to one mesh and one mesh it not fixed to one material.
Maybe we should stay in touch and share some ideas! Would be relly interesting for me. And i really love your tileset.
Sorry for my bad english, i am actually german :)
No problem, I can understand you, since I'm german, too. ;) Would be great to hear some of your ideas.
ok, nice you got a PM
I made a Test-Video with your Tilesets.
Hey, man, using Unity, which doesn't support .blend. If you(or anyone else, too) could get me these in a .dae, .fbx, .obj, .dxf, or .3ds format, I could make an awesome game. That goes for all opendungeons stuff. I would love it! And no, I can't get the .blend to .fbx converter, but thank you in advance to all of the people who would not solve my problem.
@Calieb You can download blender and use it to export to the desired format (For those formats you requested, I'm sure it can export to .obj and .fbx).
Ugh, never mind. I can't download blender 'cause it won't work for me. No, I don't need help or troubleshooting. Thank you.
I'll see what I can do and probably upload the files tomorrow. Haven't touched this set for a long time.
Sweet man, thanks.
Okay, I've exported the meshes to the .obj format, but you probably have to adjust the materials, orientation and scale. I'm not sure if the materials were exported correctly. The image textures are in the source file.
Export settings are really something that need to be adjusted for the target engine and game.
I've also uploaded a updated source blend file, with the water tiles and a few new materials (rock, gold, and lava) that were already available from the Open Dungeons repository. The tiles have a binary naming scheme (0 if the adjacent tile is empty, 1 if the adjacent tile is filled).
Explained here: http://forum.freegamedev.net/viewtopic.php?f=45&t=3949&hilit=tileset+binary
Hi Skorpio, i cant find the lizardman blend source on the OD repository, do you still have the source files?
I've just uploaded him to OGA: http://opengameart.org/content/lizardman-0
I should really move more of the models that I made for Open Dungeons to OGA, but I'm lazy. ;)
hehe, it would be a good idea, its like a backup copy plus the popularity
Boo-yah! Once I finish my game, you'll be the first to see. Which reminds me, anybody wanna see my little mini-game, really, but it was the first I ever made. It's called, "Gangum Style" ;)
Boo-yah! Once I finsh the game, you'll be the first to see. Which reminds me, anybody wanna see my first game, called "Gangum Style"? ;)
Whoaa,looks gooooood!
Fine work. Thanks for adding this
Ooh de swag.