I can't upload a file. Help!
I can't upload a file. Help!
Hello! I just joined when I found this site so I could share some of my vector art. I am trying to upload the file that holds the 2D plane art that I want to upload, but it is only letting my do one little image! I need to get the whole folder uploaded. There is only 16 files in it. Any way to do this?. If I can't do folders, how can I upload multiple files? Any help on this would be great, thanks!
Have you tried compressing the folder?
No mind to think;
No will to break;
No voice to cry suffering.
Good idea! I will try that. I will update you if it works, it may take me a few minutes though.
Saifex - Digital art and game developing
It worked! Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it :)
Saifex - Digital art and game developing
No problem.
No mind to think;
No will to break;
No voice to cry suffering.