Question about GPL license
Question about GPL license
I submitted some vector graphics under GPL license (here for example). Some people would like to use them in commercial games. I have no problem with that, and I will be glad my work can be useful. But, regarding their comments, it seems: "the GPL requires that if you use any GPL assets in your project, the entire project must be released under the same license". That was not my point.
Is there someone who can confirm this point? I thought that only the modifications done on my stuff would be concerned, not the whole project.
But, in this case, what licence can I use? I don't really like the CC (too many options and I don't care if my nickname is in the credits or not). CC0 would be fine but I'd prefer a LGPL license. As there is no LGPL choice in the submit form, can I add it manually in my own comments ?
Thanks and sorry for my (poor) english.
CC0 is the best choise in your case. LGPL applies to software and I am not sure if it correctly applies to art.
I disagree. The LGPL is clear enough in intent that it would apply to any modifications specifically made to your art, so there's nothing wrong with doing that. LGPL used to be an option, but we removed it to simplify the form because no one was using it. It's fine to say in your description that it's also available under the LGPL. :)