Motion blur background? uncomfortable.
Motion blur background? uncomfortable.
Thursday, July 12, 2012 - 13:09
Hi, I really like FLARE!
However, I find something uncomfortable when I am moving my avatar, the background is like motion blurred, if I stare at middle of the screen is ok, but if I try to see other parts , is quite shaked, and make me dizzy.
any solution to fix it?
Is it the choppiness of running at 30fps?
We're not doing any motion blurring though. You might check to see if your display or video card is applying it automatically?
I've played a lot of games on my computer, no such phenomenon.
and I also tried to do something on NVIDIA control panel, but no matter how to set, the problem remains.
I find worse in horizontal, maybe it is because my wide screen.
I use default settings, how can I change 30fps to 60fps? I what I try.
Currently the game is at a fixed 30fps frame rate. Games are usually acceptable at that rate (e.g. most console games).
I'm not sure what else could be happening though. Can you tell me your computer and video card specs (even driver version # if you can find it?). Thanks.
laptop Asus N43J ( i5 460M 2.53GHZ, 4G Memory)
nvlddmkm[ForceWare 301.42] / Win7 64
Is it possible to get a screenshot of the effect or a video?
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
If I take a screenshot , the frame fixed, of course, no such phenomenon.
Instead of a video, When you play FLARE, running your avatar horizontal, and stare at one of the roof, it is blurred, not as clear as when you stop your avatar, isn't it?
I find what the problem is. Maybe this is a common phenomenon, or can say always like this.
I've tried at home on both laptop and pc, and also on my office workstation, windows and linux, the phenomenon is the same.
I tried to play other 2D ARPG games , I find it is better but still not inevitable, why better? because, they have bigger tiles and the avatar runs slower.
I think, if the avatar can run slower, it would be much better. the problem is how to do this on source code(make it slower).
thanks for all the replys!
Your screen has a very high response time which basically means it takes a while for pixels to change color.
This is common with laptops where power consumption is the priority above all else.
The blur happens as several pixels are transitioning from color A to color B at the same time. It is most noticable on vertical or horizontal scroll and when the difference in brightness (color) of the pixels is fairly small (Such as the case with most of FLARE's artwork)
Basically, it's a hardware issue, not one with FLARE.