List of free music artists.
List of free music artists.
There are a lot of music artists that make free music (with free music I mean any license that is compatible with this website). I know some, and I want to share the ones I know. Keep tuned, because I will be updating this thread each time I find a good artist ;). The dates will be there too for your convenience, easier to see which ones are new!
Various Videogame:
Worth checking out, has various songs suitable for games.
RPG, Orchestral. The artist has experience with open source games.
Various Electronic:
Sci Fi, Experimental, Ambient, (Sci-Fi race game?)
Sci Fi, Jungle, Glitch
Thanks for sharing. It i's a lot of effort to check music tracks for license and quality...
boomlinde, menofmega and ultrasyd have no freely licensed tracks. kidjazz-2 has exactly one.
Please note that only tracks that have only the one
or only the two 
symbols in the top right corner are OGA-compatible or "freely licensed".
Yeah, non commercial(CC-BY-NC) and no derivitive clauses(CC-BY-ND) make a license non free.
Why not me? muahahha? :P Asking me doesnt hurt.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I don't know, I am starting to think this was a bad idea. I thought I had basic understanding of licenses but it seems I still have a lot to learn. It's hard to find artists that make quality music and at the same time have a free license. There were a few more in this list but they all weren't compatible.
So yeah if a mod wants to close/delete this thread go ahead. I'll make another one as soon as I know more about licenses.
You can edit your posts including the first one to clarify.
If you feel like scanning for freely licensed music to make for-game recommendations, the following search query can help you get started on Jamendo: AND -nc)&q=*:*
You might find some more sites with music which has freely licensed works but could use somebody to point out tracks that are especially good for music at
I searched for share-alike, I found this artist really good; Is that correct then? Can I just place a link to that artist? (I can't find anything about licenses on her/his profile, so I really don't know)
Thanks in advance.
[Edit] What kind of music are you looking for? That would make it easier for me to search, haha.
[2nd Edit] I added some artists, please tell me if it's correct now :).
Oh sorry HaelDB, I completely missed your post. (how stupid is that :P). Your link seems to be broken, and when I "fix" it, I cannot find music :P (not downloadable at least) do you have a link that works?
Thanks in advance!
@VividReality each track can have its own license, you will have to check the track pages. In the past each "album" could have its own license, so often one album will have only one license. Some artists don't use the same license for all their tracks/albums though.
Well you started the thread, so I thought you had a vision of what kind of tracks you wanted to recommend? :) I'd go for "what music would be fitting in (open source) games? You can have a window with some game video ("let's play") playing muted while you check out music to "test" whether it feels good in combination with games. :) I'm not aware of any open source game projects that are looking for music... well, except Nikki and the Robots, which could use some more chiptuney tracks for its free game mode ( currently music is not in the public release, see for the music that will be in the next one).
My website is still WIP. I do not have download links yet but also majority of the music on the website is on OGA at the moment.
That is my youtube link. I usually do alot of music on request, thats why I say it doesnt hurt to ask. :)
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.