Friday, July 27, 2012 - 15:33
Hi all!
This is my LPC game entry, "ZombieLord".
It's an RPG game using libGDX for graphics.
It runs on desktop, android and HTML5.
Its absolutely NOT finished, and will probably not be finished in time.
The repository is here: https://github.com/talas/Zombie-Lord
Heres a screenshot of what it looks like at the moment.
(the strange box on the princess (who by the way is not the main character, nor a princess) is just a box2d debug render, same with the church)
Well, theres still alot to be done.
The princess can hover around town (and above most obstacles).
I'm currently working on getting some sort of combat mode together..
This is what it currently looks like, note that it doesnt have anything combaty about it yet, not even a menu. so for the time being, combat == staring contest.
The combat mode is starting to take shape, although theres no visual indication of it yet. In the code however, the monsters now have a simple AI that choses actions for them. And theres a system in place to keep track of all the combat variables.
Next up is to actually deal damage to the characters/monsters (as well as mana). And then hopefully some sort of visual indication of combat (progress bar for timers and health bars and menus and animations/effects and things like that).
Combat now flows properly, so that every combatant gets his turn to act. Health and mana is affected also and it is now possible to get into the Game Over state (gameMode 99) as well as the Victory state (3). Neither have any interesting menus yet.
The player cannot yet control his characters however, so they will just launch random attacks at the first valid opponent.
In the first town theres rain now, and more things to collide with. Although it still needs more work, like all the other maps..