[PAID] $300 USD for an animated main character

[PAID] $300 USD for an animated main character

jimmy bouker's picture

Hey guys I'm making my very first iOS game. Progress on it so far can be found at http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/particle-boy-my-first-ios-game

The art needed would to be to replace sorlo, the little blue wizard. The reason I'm doing this is because I feel the main character should be fully animated for every spell that is fired. And by animated I mean I would need at least 8 frames of each for the following.


a) Walking

b) Dying

c) Casting spells (This is the bulk of the work)

 -1 - Shooting a fireball with hand (while walking and standing)

 -2 - Underarm throw of a "bouncer" (while walking and standing)

 -3 - Charging a beam (while standing) must be able to be put on a cycle

 -4 - firing a beam - (while standing) must also be able to be put on a cycle

 -5 - Castng a spell that drops a meteor from a sky - (while standing and walking)

 -6 - casting an environmental spell, may even be same as above

You wouldnt need to animate the fireaballs and beams and stuff like that. Watch some of the youtube videos on the post linked above if your intersted. You'll notice right away why those arent needed. I use a Particle System I developed for those!

The character I picture is a confused young kid (7-8) years old. He wheres black converse shoes, skinny blue jeans,  a red/yellow/white/black/blue poncho, and a sombrero over his head.

If anyones intersted get back to me as soon as possible because I would like to finish the game before September is here. I'm aslo willing to pay more maybe up to like 300 dollars. If I fall in love with the art I will try my best to even give you more than that...I make minumum wage :(

EDIT: I am now paying 300 because I saved up enough money :D FINISHED EDIT


But I will defidently consider giving you a percentage of the game(15%) if the artwork is amazing, but to be honest I dont expect it to make much money, let alone even be let on the app store. LMAO I shouldnt have wrote that. Im just nervous because I've never done this before is all :D

And PS, I am also giving percentages to other artists and musicians that I use from OGA. But they dont know that, because I'm not sure what is set in stone as of now. Anyway eough ramblings, thanks for taking the time out to read this.