LPC-style fire, fireplace.
LPC-style fire, fireplace.
Did anyone happen to spot a fireplace in the LPC assets? I need one for Polymorphable, as the entrance to a specific dungeon, plus for the general flavor of the idea.
If there isn't one, does anyone think they'd be willing to whip one up, /maybe/ even with an animated fire?
(And, if you are possibly interested, but haven't played Polymorphable yet, there's more info on the project here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/laurelias-polymorphable-citizen )
Murderous Manor has a fireplace. It looks like the logs from the Fishing/Farming set, with a brick frame. There's no fire to go with it, though! You might be able to adapt some of the magic spells from the LPC assets to create an animated fire for it...
Ooo, good eye, Parasyte!