Zoomed Graphics
Zoomed Graphics
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 - 05:35
Hello everyone,
i wanted to ask if there is a quick way to change the size of Flare Images. The goal is to use a Zoom factor. I wanted to define the base tile size to 256x512 and setup the scale on mousewheel scroll. but my knowledge in Blender are low.
currently i saw only the .py file in character art_src but could not find any .py file for tilesets.
hope someone can help me
Best regards
If you want to render larger versions of Flare art, in Blender just change the render size (keeping the same aspect ratio). In the Properties window, the Render tab has a widget named "Dimensions". You should see the X,Y resolution there.
A few warnings:
Some of the art is not set up for easy one-click rendering. Some of the character and spell art has a python script to rotate and render the scene, so Run Script is used to render all the frames. Some tile set pieces have animations instead, so the Animate button is used to render all the frames. But sometimes it takes manipulaing the scene between each render (often rotating and moving objects; in rare cases, changing textures or scene options).
Storing very large images like that will take up more memory than you think. Currently Flare takes up about 100MB at runtime for images; if you scale up to 512x256 (8x) it would require 64x more memory (remember, that's 8x in both dimensions), over 6GB of video RAM. I'm not sure if video cards even go that high yet? Some video cards may not even hold images above a certain size. Map loading will be quite slow. etc.
Finally, most of Flare's older art isn't designed to look good at larger sizes. It's going to be ugly at 512x256.
Hey Clint,
thx for the infos will try it out. Well 512x256 was just one option . maybe 256x128 would be enought as well. have to test it first. about the Video RAM. i thought Flare use the Images which are currently required only. for example if iam in outpost i dont need to store the cave tiles in my video RAM. seems that my thoughts were wrong?
It only uses the images it needs, correct. But on a given map it needs the hero, any creature on the map, and the map's tile set.
Reminder, it's held in memory uncompressed (32 bits per pixel). The file sizes you see for the .png files are highly compressed. Try converting the png files to BMP to get an idea of how much space they take up in memory.
well iam going to try this to reduce the filesize http://tinypng.org/ maybe it helps. you know Flare is a playground just want to play around and test some stuffs:D
you can take a look at filesize from your repo
https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare/blob/master/tiled/grassland/gras... (430.934 kb) and my repo
https://github.com/BlackScorp/tiled2crafty/blob/gh-pages/kinetic/img/gra... (108.257 kb)
You've missed a point -- the size of the png files is irrelevant. Once it's in memory it has to be completely uncompressed to be useful. It's going to be 32 bits per pixel in memory no matter what you do with the png files.
ah well so in memory it is an array for width X height pixels like on HTML5 Canvas DataImage.. i understood