Flare buttons
Flare buttons
Sunday, September 9, 2012 - 15:58
Art Type:
Dark fantasy themed buttons, for Flare ( www.clintbellanger.net/rpg ), as part of commission by clintbellanger. Top-down: Enabled state, Disabled state, Mouseover state, Mousedown state, shadow (works fine without).
Licensed to cc0 / public domain .
The buttons can be made shorter by taking out a section from the middle (like, ABCDEF -> ABEF).
Disabled and mousedown look a bit similar - however since mousedown would normally be shown only for a short period of time, this shouldn't be a problem; also the text on Disabled could be darker than on the rest.
The buttons are at such a large size to be scaled smaller. Shift hue for more variations! Fonts used in preview are not included.

Excellent, as usual. :)
now a new cooler flare gui would be awesome ;)
Wow thanks for sharing!
Looks amazing!
Nice work.
Can you make the XCF or PSD file available? It would be great to have the ability to edit the individual layers of these images.
cheers /u
@u, you're the third person asking this; it wouldn't be as useful as you might think since i keep my psd's very messy, so it's a collection of in-progress junk; if you want to change something, you'll be better off editing the final files directly; also i personally don't like to put my in-progress junk out in public.
@Blarumyrran, I understand. Often feel the same way about code that I've written. Only want to show what I'm proud of, which often doesn't include work in progress.
Thanks you for the art anyhow, it will come to good use.
If you do decide to release in progress work at some later time, I'm sure it would help other art designers figure out how to produce such art works. That is how I often feel when I reads someone elses unfinished code, so I assume it would apply to art as well.
Cheers /u
Just like all flare assets, amazing.
Used these in our Dice Poker game