Packaging Flare after the game/engine split

Packaging Flare after the game/engine split


Creating a source package for Flare (git version) after the split, I first went on and tried to have two different packages — flare(-game) and flare-engine —.

I soon realized that was not the way to package it, since there were several conflicting files, so I just updated the existing flare package to point to the new repo.

But when I installed that package, I could not get it to start a game. I mean: I get the main screen, but the Play button is disabled.

I got the following output:

[gallaecio@afonsox flare-git]$ /usr/games/flare
Unable to open engine/tileset_config.txt! Defaulting to 64x32 isometric tiles.
Unable to open engine/misc.txt!
Unable to open engine/combat.txt!
Unable to open engine/elements.txt!
No joysticks were found.
Using joystick #0.
Mix_LoadMUS: Couldn't open '/usr/share/games/flare/music/title_theme.ogg'

So… Is the master code not working? Or is this not the right way to package the game now?