Adding enemy groups with Tiled
Adding enemy groups with Tiled
Monday, October 1, 2012 - 11:51
I'm trying to export an edited frontier_plains map with Tiled, but when I export it none of the enemy_groups get exported in the text file. Do these need to be added to the text file manually or is there a way to export them using Tiled?
Make sure your object is in the "enemygroup" layer.
Make sure your object's "Type" is the name of a creature category (e.g. "goblin", "undead"). These groups are defined in each enemy file under "categories=".
You may need a newer version of Tiled with the latest Flare exporter. The latest "Daily builds for Windows" on the Tiled web site has the newest Flare plugin included.
Thank you very much, I was running the wrong version. After installing the Daily Build it works.