Looking for FOSS games which use allegro 5
Looking for FOSS games which use allegro 5
Monday, October 1, 2012 - 13:04
Hi all,
I'm looking for FOSS games which use allegro 5. I did come to know of a game or two which was done in the recent LPC contest which used the new allegro 5 library but forgot the name.
If anybody knows of any FOSS games which use the allegro 5 engine please put it in the thread.
Alex the Alligator is a nice retro-styled FOSS platformer..
My project: Bits & Bots
@Moikmellah, thanx. Any others esp. RPG's if you come to know which use allegro 5 please lemme know.
I know there used to be a good list of FOSS titles using Allegro, but I can't seem to find it anymore - it might've been on LibreGameWiki, which seems to be defunct these days.
Otherwise, the Allegro Depot has an fairly large list of projects in various stages of completion, organized by genre. This page, for example, shows RPG titles in a nice table (though you have to click through to each project's page to see whether source is available, and likely need to open up the source bundle to find which license it's released under). I may start poking at some of the completed projects there, see if I can get a little bit better list together of which are actually FOSS projects.
Hope this helps!
*Edit: After browsing a few, it seems like most of the Depot projects are pretty ambiguous about licensing. Of the ones that I looked into with source available, one had LGPL listed in the C code but no license.txt, and the rest had no license specified at all..
My project: Bits & Bots
Sad, I asked as Debian experimental just got allegro 5 (which is supposed to be better and nicer than allegro 4 and lots of things are supposedly integrated) . I had heard of one or two rpg titles which are/were using allegro 5 and hadn't tried them out because allegro 5 had not been yet in the repo.
Now it is.
It's a shame that there doesn't seem to be some sort of FOSS games with allegro 5.
LibreGameWiki is back! The list was a bit shorter than I thought (only four titles so far including Alex the Alligator, and none of them RPG), but they're all at least clearly-licensed projects.
*Edit: Sorry, just realized I'm not being very helpful as I have no idea whether any of the above actually support Allegro 5. Also, KQ!
My project: Bits & Bots