Wall-mounted torch
Wall-mounted torch
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 - 11:25
I'm developing a game pictured below (link to the image: http://i.imgur.com/Pv1V2.jpg). It's probably not far from public alpha and open-sourcing.
As you can see, the fires (which themselves are still rather crude) are floating mid-air, so I'd humbly request a 3d model of a wall mounted medieval torch to put in there. I saw http://opengameart.org/content/wall-torch, but it is untextured and perhaps too simple.
Ideally I'd like 2-3 different kinds of torches, like one crude wooden and a second more civilized.
Here is a list of my requirements:
- Realistic style
- Medium quality - it's for a real-time game, but the torches are going to be viewed from rather close (for reference, other assets I currently have (mostly bigger than the torches would be) tend to contain 80-250 vertices)
- Textured with an image
- Preferably normal mapped
- Preferably specular mapped
- The textures should be high-resolution, preferably 1024x1024px, although due to the model's small size, might get away with smaller
- Preferably CC-licensed, but any OGA-approved license is fine
- Simple Wavefront .obj file together with the textures would be nice, but .blend is fine too
hmm... not able to see your torch, could you edit your first post and also post it in some alternative image site so at least I could see please.
What do you mean? I have no torch - the embedded image is a screenshot of my game that lacks a torch, hosted on imgur.com. Or do you mean the linked sample reference images? I tested both and they displayed fine, so which one do you mean? EDIT: Added a link to my image in the original post if someone's browser does not play well with this forum's image resizing.
imgur does not play nice with my country lots of times. That is what I meant. I want to see what the game is about and things and not able to see it :(
Ok, here's a mirror of the pic: http://i47.tinypic.com/oazpco.jpg
wow, looks nice. Is it gonna be an rpg or some kind of survivor kinda game ?
Hey Tapio, I am willing to do the model. Also I can unwrap it. However, Im not good with texturing and I have no idea about baking normal maps, if someone else can help, it would be nice. Otherwise I still can do some basic texture for it.
@shirish: Not RPG. Something resembling survival.
@cemkalyoncu: Thanks for your willingness to help. Even a simple texture would be a good start, as I might even be able to enhance that myself in Gimp as long as I have the template. In many cases I can also produce adequate normal and specular maps from the diffuse texture with Gimp.
I did something quick. Needs refinement and unwrapping (uses procedural textures). 124 faces without subsurf. Probably I will be able to set aside sometime in the weekend.
Looks nice! Does that refinement include rising the support ring, as IMHO it looks a bit unnatural now. Looking at google image search results for wall torch, about half-way up the whole stick seems about right.
Tapio, what you're working on would make a great base to develop(some sort of mod pack perhaps) into something like Dungeon Master.
I did some of that refinement and baked both texture and normal maps. I also moved support to middle, although physically it will hold from the previous location as well. This render is without subsurf modifier, probably close to what will be in your game. I need to modify its texture to make its top charred.
Looks excellent, can't wait to get hold of the model :)
@Torham Zed: I'm not a huge fan of inventory management and I'm going for free movement etc, but sure, once the sources are released, anyone is free to fork it and develope it to their desired direction.
Here is the model. I have exported for obj, since I am not sure about it, I have included .blend file. Specular setting is fixed and color: intensity(0.1) * rgb(0.12, 0.075, 0.04), hardiness: 15
If you need the unburnt texture, here is the link:
Also the latest render:
Thank you very much. I've attached a render of it in-game. I'm happy with the geometry, but I'm probably going to do a bit of work on the wood texture. Btw, are you done now? If yes, could you upload it to OGA and pick the license (and attribution info if any) so that I can add a proper readme.txt for the model in my Git repo. If I come up with great textures, I can send them to you for review and a possible update of the OGA model file.
EDIT: I attached a game render with revised wood texture, stamped from http://opengameart.org/content/tilling-textures-pack-30 texture 4. Not perfect, but looks a lot less procedurally generated.
I am ok with cc-by license. I think only problem left was texture, as you stated. But from the second image I can tell its fixed. Currently I am working on another one, once I am finished with all I will upload them to OGA.
This second one will be hanging from ceiling. I will need a chain texture.
Excellent, I was actually just thinking what to do with lights that are placed in the middle of a room in my editor (lights close to walls are automatically placed there, with properly rotated torch mesh).
I did a bit of searching for a chain texture, but didn't find anything :( Though I think it could also hang from iron bars. EDIT: http://opengameart.org/content/tiling-chain-texture
Your chain is in action. Don't forget to credit p0ss as well: http://opengameart.org/node/9066
Some little changes and I think it worths a try.
Game render, for your viewing pleasure. It is kind of visible that the chains have no depth, but otherwise a nice addition.
hmm, I might try to find an alternative attachment method. It looks better in Blender renderer. Looking closely, it looks like it doesnt have transparency. Could you check if thats the case?
There is alpha, the pic was just somehow messed up. I replaced it in my previous post with another one that shows the alpha quite clear.
I think it looks pretty ok, but regardless I will make another way to hang it. Also, If you increase the effect of the lights it would look better.
BTW you havent posted your GIT hub.
Alright another one. Probably I will create another which stands on ground (for completeness' sake). Here is the one that is fixed to the ceiling. Well may be I can modify it to have its guards to extend outwards instead of closing in. Not sure though.
Made this, hopefully it's useful to you,
Well this thread has surpassed all my expectations, so many great models!
@cemkalyoncu: I'm going to use both of the hanging ones. I'll change the second one's texture to less rusty one so that I have both a "crude dungeon" version and a "fancy castle/temple" version. As for a standing one, I think I could very well use that too - if it has a proper base (i.e. not a stick drilled into floor), I could make it dynamic and let player tip it over. :)
EDIT: I'll push the code into github once I've sorted out a couple of outstanding issues. As this is a WebGL thingy, I'm expecting a lot of problems from people, so I don't want that to distract me yet.
@Scribe: Looks very nice and would complete my torch set, though as I commented on the model page, I'm having some issues. :(
Standing one is ready. Same texture as the hanging one. Feel free to change it. Also if you can use bump maps use the texture as bump map as well. If you need normal map, I can bake it for you. This one has 67 faces.
I also rendered them for isometric games. Here is the result. They need fire tough.
@cemkalyoncu: You can see your torches "live" in this early alpha: http://tapio.github.com/darkcorners/
I got an idea for a lowpoly chain, the texture is a real quicky and maybe you want to exchange it. Unfortunately, the render produces an ugly error, I didnt manage to iron out. But maybe your engine deals better with it, who knows.
It is 2 quads per chain element (for doublesidedness).
riidom, good idea, but even it can be better. Only two quads per chain would be enough (he doesn't have backface culling or he is fixing them). One face will be perpendicular to the other.
I have uploaded models as well as renders. Also added not-so-flat chains.