Sprite Art Needed!
Sprite Art Needed!
Hello guys! I am currently working on a project which I will love to call, I Must Survive (not the best title...)
It is a post apocalyptic game and is open for any enemy ideas! I have a regular zombie sprite
(see attached file)
And, I really want to animate that sprite I made (The Zombie)
Other Things I am freely Requesting:
Blown up vehicles
Messed up buildings
Enemies (fat zombies, deamons, crawing zombies)
The Character size is 32×32
(if that helps with the scale of things)
I am open for nearly anything related to the items I want!
Game % completion
So far, the endless survival mode part of the game is complete, just one type of zombie adg gun though
(Ill add as I go along)
Story plot has been created, I will create the levels using the rubble and wrecks to make the maps
The zombie engine is created, I can configure to anything though,
Like make the fat zombie explode on death, idk...
So, yah, this will be pretty fun to make if you accept to make 1 of any of these, BE CREATIVE!!!!!!
Its mostly about fun, I am not really paying because the game is going to be free...
Yah, I know...
But on the bright side, If I ever reuse these sprites in a BETTER game, I will sell it for sure and give you profit on that.
Anyone that helps create sprites will be put on the credits under Sprite Artists!
-please and Thanks to those all! Art is an Amazing skill, KEEP IT UP GUYS!!!!!!!
Also, If you want faster contact, my skype is kaylen_le_boss
Just so you guys know, that zombie is a trademark by me, unless you help in anyway, u may NOT use that zombie I made in ANY way other than aiding me. I just feel like people are ripping it since its at 23 downloads and no replies...
Now, i'm pretty bad with pictures and animation, but I made his little arms move a bit. Its really nothing special... at all... but he moves. Its in a .gif format, if thats ok. I removed the borders to it so its exactly 32x32 pixels. Good luck using this for whatever.
Thanks you kind sir! I will see!
HAHA, THATS EPIC! Better than what I would have ever done XD
Its pretty bad, honestly, but it does move, so i guess thats a plus. Photoshop's puppet warp can really come in handy sometimes ;)
Haha, nah, its pretty sick though, I was attempting to make a animation, but it looked like he was hugging the sky while walking XD
Do you need it to look different? I could edit it for you.
Not really, its good, I just need like cracks, streets, rubble, blowup vehicles, messed up buildings Ect
Just in that theme
Well, i'm still not an artist, and i wasn't sure what perspective you wanted anything in, but heres three blown up cars. If they're too small I can enlarge them.
I am a Newbie also looking to write a similar game, but into more detail and survival than just another resident evil wannebe and wondering if i cant pick your brain - lol
contact me on shanevanshane@yahoo.com
Hello Zalerinian, Those cars look EPIC! but sadly, the game is a top down shooter as I forgot to mention...
But, if you can change the perspective on those, they would be even more EPIC!
Haha, well, thanks for those, they are still cool! Good Job!
Well! I took a long time to respond, so to make up for it, i have 24 cars for you! all top-down, 12 vertically and 12 horizontally! They may need more editting to be perfect, but they're ok for now I guess.
Download the .zip here: http://db.tt/0iccGrtT
More than I would ever expect! XD
stop lying! D:
Dude, have you seen my art skills? I prob would of drawn a retarded rectangle to look like a broken car, it would of looked like a 5 year old drew it XD, Dude, you have skill in art! Unless those cars wrnt made by you, then idk for sure, but the zombie was pretty sweet, looks good ingame!
Well, I didn't make them per se, but they're not under any form of copyright or anything, because technically, they're not even sprites. All you really need to do in order to make a decent looking sprite is a get a picture of what your making, shrink it, and cut around the edges. The hardest part is usually find a good looking image. You do *not* want to see me draw something from scratch.
AHahaha, well then, you are pretty handy with photoshop! XD
I seem to specialize more in editting things than making them myself. Its really a lot easier, especially with photoshop.
Haha, yah, any chance of destroyed city scape buildings? Cracks, wrecked streets? Different types of zombies? XD
Perhaps. I have a few things of my own i'd like to work on as well :P
Haha, k, thanks for all you have done! Hope I didnt bring you too much trouble! XD
Nah. I'll help you out some more later, but now I have to work on my Terraria mod :o
Ohhhh, you will need to send that to me when its done XD
I'm almost ready to release it in V 1.0 Alpha. I need to make my new NPC look less... stupid..
Stupidness attached.
THATS SO STUPID!!!!!!! XD jk, that looks legit! so he is a dark sorcerer? Nice!
That was the original plan, though i found out i would have had to made 13 less frames for a teleporting spell caster guy. I could still probably make him throw spells at you, though.
Ignore this please. I derped.
Random Bump! xD
Still need street tiles, straight and turn. Different zombies (new idea, zombie dogs!)
Buildings, Floor Tiles for buildings, grass tiles. Survivors, bandits. For people and zombies, kind of go with the zombie template I have, Its the same as the player but different hand positions!
Hey Zalerian, U still active??? xD
Hows that mod coming along???
can you update the dropbox link, if you may sir? cheers mate!
Empty pocket, Heart-break and Hunger are my greatest teacher in life
Honestly I didn't even remember making these things, and I can't find them in my dropbox anymore. I also have no idea what was in that zip file anymore, so I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you.
this thread made me sad :( Zalerinian and deathMonster had such a beautiful blooming freindship and ITS GONE! ALL GONE!! WWHHHHYYYYY