[unpaid] seeking 2D (GUI and graphics) artists for Freelords game

[unpaid] seeking 2D (GUI and graphics) artists for Freelords game

Hi all,

i am one of the admin of the Freelords project.
The project is licensed under the GPLv2 license.
We are looking for graphic artists that can help us to create completely new graphics for the game.
The game is basically a medieval/fantasy/epic strategy game (very similar to the old Warlords game) and we are right now starting with the implementation of the UI.

The freelords website is this one  http://sourceforge.net/projects/freelords/

We would like to achieve a good quality 2D graphics, starting from the UI and going through all needed graphics such backgrounds,
tiles for the maps, units and so on.
We also need some UI experts to let us make a good Interface for the game.

Some example of what we already have is


just to let you understand the style of the graphics.

We would like to have the sources of the images so Gimp artists would be preferred but also Photoshop artists
are accepted.
Note that all the graphics must be released under free license (pheraps GPL or a compatible license).

We have a ML that we use to synchronize the work between developers at this address https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freelords-devel
But you can also contact me at this address patton73@users.sourceforge.net

Thanks in advance for any help.
