Raster Font Copyright (and other protection) in the US and rest of the world

Raster Font Copyright (and other protection) in the US and rest of the world

qubodup's picture

There have been two pixmap font submissions lately that concern me.

complete-unicode-plane-0-bitmap-font-png submitted the bitmap version of a GPL font under cc0.

pixel-pirate-font appears to be ccbysa-licensed but is based on (Disney-owned?) dafont.com/pieces-of-eight.font.


There seems to be no copyright for bitmap fonts in the US but what about other forms of protection and other countries' laws? Some information outlined in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intellectual_property_protection_of_typefaces.


It seems to me that we have to either

  1. reject art that has other levels of protection (design patent, trademark...) or country-specific limitations or
  2. include a warning about such issues.

(I'm also not sure that the non-copyrightable status of fonts was intended for fonts that are not designed for readability.)