Lava Meets Water
Lava Meets Water
Just a texture for something unrelated to the game. A background or an artwork on the wall.
It would be nice if you e-mailed me before use at Thanks, Hero.

Just a texture for something unrelated to the game. A background or an artwork on the wall.
It would be nice if you e-mailed me before use at Thanks, Hero.
There are so many more Gimp filters to explore... expecting a lot more helpful "textures" soon.
I actually do have something soon. Pixelized it will look greate. Not for an HD game though.
Note that "Please e-mail me before use at" can be a suggestion but not a requirement, as the license does not allow to add restrictions.
Thanks I'll deal with the others tomorrow.
Oh I wouldn't worry about the descriptions. I just wanted to make sure that you have to expect that people won't do it because if they know about the license not requiring that. (And the people not reading descriptions...).