What is FLARE?
FLARE (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple isometric-perspective action rpg engine in the basic style of Diablo. It is light on infrastructure to make the code easy to modify for various projects.
Is FLARE a game or an engine?
FLARE is an engine. But instead of using placeholder art and leaving the game part to the player's imagination, I am putting production art and concepts right into the development builds. Once the core engine is complete I will be building more art assets to turn FLARE into its first game.
What language is FLARE written in?
FLARE is written in C++. Configuration files are a plain, easy to understand text format.
What platforms are supported for FLARE?
I publish binaries for Windows and OSX. It is straightforward to build FLARE in Linux and I plan to support official Linux builds in the future.
Will FLARE support network or multiplayer play?
FLARE might eventually support multiplayer, but it will come much later. Multiplayer integration will probably start with the ability to save games onto a central server and view your current equipment/stats/progress. True co-op or pvp is a distant future.
Will FLARE support 3D games?
Maybe FLARE version 2.
Will FLARE feature realtime lighting and shadows?
Hopefully. I don't have an easy way to do that in SDL 1.2. Maybe some SDL helper library or SDL 1.3 will have special blitters that help me here.
What kind of games can I make using FLARE?
Out of the box it will support a specific RPG ruleset (called the PMOD system). New games will be made within this system by defining maps, creatures, quests, dialog, etc. in plain text files.
What is the PMOD system?
PMOD (Physical, Magical, Offense, Defense) is the name of the RPG rules system used in FLARE. Some quick facts about PMOD:
- PMOD stands for the four core attributes for each hero.
- Physical is melee weapon proficiency and health points
- Magical is magic weapon proficiency and mana points
- Offense is ranged weapon proficiency and attack accuracy
- Defense is armor/shield proficiency and attack avoidance
- The skill tree is tied to the core attributes and does not have separate spendable points.
- Attributes rank 1 (starting/novice) to 5 (grandmaster)
- Characters max at level 9, making each level gained more meaningful
- The simple system allows building archetype classes and new hybrids
Is there a level editor for FLARE?
I am using Tiled as my official map editor to create layer data (walls, floors, collision). I export the data from Tiled and add the rest through text editor (events, monsters, portals). Eventually I will write a Tiled plugin to read/write FLARE's native map format.
Why only four equipment slots?
The main reason is to make generating new art assets easier. I want to encourage new free/libre projects based on FLARE, that don't require artists working for years on end. Also, FLARE games don't have to be long grindfests to be fun.
I plan to support official Linux builds in the future.
Do you know about the OpenSuSE Build service? It does just that, and NOT only for OpenSuSE, but also for other distros!
ooh.. so OSARE was written in c++ :) .. and you are using Tiled as well. What version of Tiled are you using, Java or Qt?
if youre using the Qt Version, maybe i can help with map plugin for it, if you like. :D
jaderamiso, I am using the Qt version. If you'd like to take a crack at a Tiled map plugin, go for it!
The layer data should be similar to the CSV export type.
Events could be done with the object layer in Tiled.
I'm not sure the best way to do enemies. I'd like to make an "enemy" tileset to make it easy to place enemies where they spawn, put in its own layer; and then treat that layer as a special case on import/export. I'm not sure how easy that is in Tiled.
Comma-separated value?.. ill have to take a look on your map's format. creating a layer for spawn spots is a good idea, and treating that layer as a special case is very easy in Tiled.
just downloaded OSARE.. and i was really amazed O.O .. nice mapping.
Why movement of hero is controlled by keys instead of mouse (like diablo)?
Anon, I prefer keyboard movement and mouse aim. But I plan to add mouse movement as an option in the future.
Thanks for reply.
This would be good.
I have nothing against keyboard and prefer mouse movement only because of:
1. I'm a lazy person and it's simpler to just point, click, and watch how the hero does rest of work.
2. I became used to such kind of control from lots of games like diablo, allods, hmm and so on.
By the way very nice work, I will closely watch FLARE.
Hello. I am interested in helping with this project, should you need help. I can code competently in C++ and Java. I am interested in helping with this project so I can learn how to make a 2d game engine so I can code a game for Android+PC as an indie developer, as I can not find a job.(So I like...have plenty of free time)
A couple of quick questions should you be interested in taking me on the project:
1) Any problems with me porting the final product over to android then making a pay game for android using the engine?
2) Any problems with me doing #1 only into Java so it'll work on Android?
The above post was mine. Guess I should have made the account first, I assumed it would prompt me to make one before posting:D
Xira, I have no problems with you porting it, translating it, or charging for a resulting game on Android. As long as you abide by the GPL (and CC-BY-SA for the art).