Looking for 2D Dungeon Props, especially torches
Looking for 2D Dungeon Props, especially torches
Hi there,
I am currently putting together a small, isometric dungeon crawler with some simple elements from Seth Galbraiths Medieval Building Tileset. Hopefully light (and shadows) will be an important game element.
However, I couldn't find many "ready to use" props that would be good to light up a dungeon. I have attached a screenshot how the project currently looks like, does anyone have an idea where I could find something appropriate?
I would especially be looking for:
- Torches, open fire, lamps ... Whatever could be useful to light up a dungeon.
- General "spooky" dungeon props to mix in a little graphical variety.
- The game probably won't have "real" wall tiles (I tried it and performance degraded too much due to isses with z-ordering), but if you know about free standing pillars or similar, that would be great!
If you wan't to give it a quick shot point your browser to my development server. The whole thing is canvas based (using the excellent Isogenic Engine). But there is not actually much you could do right now, apart from interacting with a sign, a few doors and wandering around. Oh and its horridly fixed size at the moment, I will come back to that though. IF you try it out though, I would love to get your framerate, browser and the rough age of your computer.
Thanks in advance
Have you checked Izchaks Torches there are 2d renders. I can also convert them to low palette like in here.
Oh, wow, I didn't recognize there were isometric 2d renders. I will give them a shot, probably they will fit fine. Thanks for pointing that out :)