I made this for my game "Animales en fuga" http://www.vedoque.com/juegos/juego.php?j=animales-fuga&l=es and it is my first attempt to draw sprites.
It's not very good but I will make better next time.
Nice sprites and a sweet game. Thanks :)
quick sketch i made with your fish:
It's a battle royale for schools of fish, each one has their own type of special attack.
@DST: It's fantastic, I've heard something about Processing but I didn't know its power. Usually I get sprite and music from OGA to make my games, it's my first time sharing sprites.
I smell something.....fishy.
Really cool little fish animations! I used some slightly modified versions to make "Space Fish" for my new Space Trash mobile game.
love these fish, will credit you in my game!
Thank you, beautiful game