WYSIWYG loading lag
WYSIWYG loading lag
When opening a page with a WYSIWYG (rich text) text input on Chromium on Arch Linux, I have a lag:
Logging in in incognito mode (no cookies): same effect.
Firefox: same effect.
Does anybody else have this problem?
This bug makes me avoid contributing to OGA because it pains my head to have a website being loaded but also being frozen for 20 seconds before I can make changes.
For me, the plain textarea is visible for a short time (a fraction of a second), but after the page has completely loaded, it is replaced by the editor. Have you tried using Chromium's developer tools to figure out what is causing the lag?
I just realized that this does not happen on forum pages but only on art submit or edit pages.
CruzR: thanks for the feedback! I'm not sure how to use the tools to find out what the cause might be.
More info: the issue is on both my desktop (arch linux 64bit) as well as my netbook (arch linux 32bit), both chromium and firefox.
Firefox (32bit) just spawned an error message saying that a script is taking long:
Script: http://opengameart.org/sites/default/files/js/
First of all, you'd probably fire up the console (Shift-Ctrl-J) and reload the page to check whether anything is logged to the console. If any errors occur, go to the "Sources" tab, click "Pause on exceptions" and reload, this should drop you right into the line that causes the error. If no errors occured, check the "Network" tab to see if anything takes exordinary long to load. If that's not the case, you could also check the "Timeline" tab (short introduction here), anything causing a 20 seconds lag should be clearly visible there. This should give us a better idea of what actually causes the delay.
Btw, is there any extension you are using on all your browsers and machines? Maybe a rouge extension might be causing this (just an idea, I've recently had had a bad experience with an extension I had installed).
Thanks for the instructions, CruzR.
There are no errors.
There seems to be one warning:
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/octet-stream: "http://opengameart.org/sites/all/themes/oga/fonts/DroidSans-Bold.ttf".
As far as I can tell, actually receiving (parts of) the website itself is the only problem.
Here's an edited video of me using the console: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz0hUTsro3c
I think Adblock Plus is used in all the browsers. However, I just tested on my 64bit desktop as a test chromium user profile with no extensions, the issue remained. Two screenshots from this run:
The issue might have to do with my user account (I should use a test user) or my location/ISP. For the record: I'm in Berlin, Germany, my ISP is Kabel Deutschland.
Holy shit, the html document is almost 54k lines long! I guess that's where your lag comes from -- for me it's only about 400 lines. My best guess is that these two admin bars you've got there are bloating the document, even though I've got troubles believing that they could possibly bloat it so much.
I know what issue is causing this loading lag, and it only affects administrators. It has to do with Drupal needlessly rendering a massive amount of information about template variables. I tried to remove it, but that ended up making a big mess, so I put it back. I'm sorry for the trouble. :(
Knowing that it only happens to admins is a relief. CruzR, thanks for your attention! :)