Animation for existing model
Animation for existing model
Friday, January 25, 2013 - 02:46
Hi, I really love the Zombie Survivor Model by thehumbug, here's the link -
Is anyone able to animate it for me as I tried and it turns out I am so so bad at animating I could hardly work it out.
I would love animations such as,
walking, walking backwards, running, running backwards, shooting, die.
And If any is so so so generous I would love those animations with a hand gun instead.
THANKS heaps in advance!!!
You could get the model source files from a FOSS game (Like red eclipse, Xonotic etc.) and apply those animations to the mesh.
Animators are really scares in the open-game art scene it seems, so don't cound on finding volunteers here.
Animation is pretty hard, thats the reason lots of models in OGA dont have one
There are some sites which have some free open source motion capture animations, for example you can apply them in blender somehow.
That page rocks, i need to learn how to apply them (and german)
Luckily I know German ;) Thx for the link, those are indeed surprisingly game usable... most of the free motion capture you will find on the internet is sadly not.
However appling motion capture is not very easy either (search for a "animation retargeting" tutorial for Blender).