[Updated Apr. 9] Potential contributors: Here's what we need at the moment
[Updated Apr. 9] Potential contributors: Here's what we need at the moment
Right now the editor is a bit buggy due to some changes I made to the underlying code. Here are a couple outstanding issues that need to be fixed This is all C++ stuff:
- [DONE] The grey map background doesn't draw every frame, which makes things really messy when switching maps and layers.
- [DONE] The editor always thinks you're editing tiles, even when it's in Entity mode.
- [DONE] You should be able to drag entities in entitiy mode. I feel like I implemented this at one point, but it's not working, possibly due to the above issue.
- [DONE] When adding a new entity with a right click, the entity appears in the wrong place.
- [DONE] An entitiy should be resizeable with the mouse.
- [DONE] There should be a status bar that shows the x,y position of the mouse on the map.
- [DONE] The tile select box isn't working right for wide tilesets.
The battle script needs some work as well. This is all JS/QML stuff:
- [IN PROGRESS] The layout of the battle UI is crap and needs to be redone.
- [DONE] Right now the enemies don't actually do anything. They need at least a rudimentarty AI.
- [DONE] We need to get a generic attack animation working, which we'll eventually want to replace with per-ability attack animations.
Other JS/QML stuff:
- [DONE] Shops and inns aren't implemented yet.
- [DONE] Leveling up isn't implemented yet.
- Saving the game needs to work.
I'm commissioning a set of attack animations, but we could always use more. Feel free to add to our existing 16x16 tilesets or create new ones. The one thing that I ask is that you run a sample of your work by me before you spend hours and hours on it -- I'm kind of picky about the art that will go into the game, and I'd rather not turn someone down after they've spent a ton of time working on something. In general, I'm looking for fairly experienced pixel artists, but if you're thick skinned, don't frustrate easily, and willing to learn, feel free to get in touch with me. It's an iterative process, so I won't turn art down outright without at least telling you what the issues are.
The editor is done, so we need some content. If you're up for making some maps, let me know and I'll help you get the editor working (if you run Windows, that's easiest -- just grab the binary). Here are the maps we need:
- Several house interiors, including a shop and an inn.
- An update to the town that expands it and uses the new forest tileset.
- [DONE] A sewer map, large enough to be interesting.
We also need game data, which at the moment needs to be done in spreadsheets (in the final version, this will be done in the editor).
- More characters: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkWCp7o6kPAHdEx0OWRLUWV5YVY...
- More level progressions for characters: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkWCp7o6kPAHdGl4OTdxb05MT0R...
- More weapons: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkWCp7o6kPAHdGQ1MC1KazVMMzF...
- More enemies: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkWCp7o6kPAHdEtrNDFEYjdqSkh...
If you want to work on these spreadsheets, at the moment they need to be exported to JSON format. Here's a tutorial on that:
NOTE: People are having issues with the editor and engine, particular in windows XP. If you're experiencing trouble, use tiled for now and I'll import the maps later.
I mostly do tilesets. What sorts of new ones are you looking for?
Here are some things that would be useful at the moment -- there's a lot of work left, so feel free to cherry pick something that looks appealing. :)
If any of these strike you as interesting, let me know and we can discuss them in detail.
Thanks! :)
The things that interest me the most right now are a the mountains, adding things to current sets, and the snowy forest set. Although with the forest I'd like to redo the tileset first, it doesn't mesh with the other sets very well and has some artistic issues I don't want to try to work around. I'm thinking about editing together things I like from the desert set and from the town set so they'll work in the forest and as a good transition between the tiles so it's not as jarring when you change locations. What do you think?
Sounds good to me. :)
Bart! Why didn't you tell me that Orange Engine uses QML/JS? (Oh, you probably did but I wasn't paying attention.)
I'm actually quite good at QML; that's what I do at work. If you'd like some help there, I'd be happy to give it. (When I'm not working on Flare of course.)
New forest done. Snow will be harder since it's a deciduous forest.
Looks great! :)
Sorry, missed your comment initially. I'd love some help, if you have time. :)
If you're interested, I can add you as a code contributor to the project. Right now we could use a shop interface (something JRPG-esque, obviously). The way my QML is set up might be unclear, so I'll write about it a bit in another thread.
@Sharm: If you're following the thread, here's a screenshot with a test map using the new forest tiles.
Oh hey, thanks! It's hard to tell how something is going to turn out until you get an actual in game look. Speaking of which, that tree line doesn't look so good anymore. I've got implied lines everywhere it's creating a grid that I thought I got rid of. I'll take care of it as soon as I can, but it probably won't be until monday. BTW, you should be able to use more of surt's tiles like the well and the bushes. That should give the map a little more variety. Also, that pine tree is meant to tile vertically as high or as short as you want.
Okay, good deal. And nice work on the pine tree -- I'll have to add in some taller ones.
I believe I've fixed the forest tiles. Sorry it took me so long, I got infected with a virus that was hard to get rid of and took out my internet as a parting shot.
Ugh, that's no fun. Welcome back. :)
Let me know when the new version is ready and I'll add it into the game.
Oh, sorry I wasn't clear. The file is already updated.
I've uploaded a current windows build with the new changes. See the beginning of the thread for what is done so far.
Here's another screenshot, for those of you who are curious:
Here's a shot with Mumu's shop interior, freshly imported from Tiled. :)
It's really coming along! That roof tile was obviously not made to go on a roof that wide. I'll have to put it on my todo list if I ever do a town expansion.
Hey Sharm, this isn't strictly on topic, but would you be at all interested in doing a fairly major paid pixel art commission for OGA? It would involve working on some 32x32 tiles.
Yes, very interested!
Awesome. :)
Can you PM me with your preferred email address?
Just a note to folks who are subscribed to this topic. I've done some updates:
Yup, while you can get gold and xp, there doesn't seem to be a way to know how much xp is there and how much xp is needed to go to the next level.
Also there's no inventory (at least nothing that I could discover intuitively through the interface), Maybe a work in progress ?
Do like the new battle interface. Nice, although makes me remember Game Maker/RPG Maker or one of its ilk.
Press tab. That brings up the pause screen. :)
pinging for some action on this .
I think the main character blends in with the green background way to much. he looks ok in shops but once he goes into that green area he fades away into the background. This happens a little in the shop as well with the armor and the back wall.
I think its good work I just dont like alot of the colors being used so far and I certainly cant do better so im not much help really.