erebus - a new rpg which reuses flare graphics

erebus - a new rpg which reuses flare graphics

Hi all,

Just came across this one. It's a game which reuses many/most of flare graphics. See

For reasons not understood, the developer has made the code and the graphics in two different places. I have suggested him to put the whole thing in git repo. To try it out do a 'git clone git://' without the atostrophes obviously.

Then download the graphics and music from the launchpad site at and then copy them over to the git clone.

To compile you just have to do qmake

And then 'make' or if it's multi-core 'make -j4' using other processors a bit as well.

Overall a fun game giving couple of hrs. to fun-time. Sometimes it would be hard to figure out even if you are playing it in easy mode, at least for me it was. The dev. could have made respawns of low-level monsters but then it's just a two quest thing for now.

If anybody knows of any newish rpg's lemme know either on github, gitorious,, bitbucket and berlios. Looking forward to any info. or interesting game if anybody knows.