Whole game?
Whole game?
Friday, February 8, 2013 - 21:27
Is there a place where i can just download the entire game for Ubuntu 12.10? And if so can someone link it for me?
Is there a place where i can just download the entire game for Ubuntu 12.10? And if so can someone link it for me?
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
...and it should be possible to install Flare from Synaptic-Package-Manager.
Where do i save the file so that it works with my active save game?
Do or do not
There is no try
As we're currently still in alpha mode, the game is subject to change. The save games are not garantued to work properly on different versions. (Be warned ;)
The saves are found in ~/.local/share/flare/
Either navigate there via terminal, or if you're using nautilus the graphical file manager, press CTRL+H to show hidden directories (.local is hidden)
For a long time the files were just named save1.txt save2.txt save3.txt. This has recently changed to have a games prefix, so in the latest version the game is looking for files called flare0.18_save1.txt flare0.18_save2.txt etc.
So you probably need to check which version of the game you're running and name the files accordingly. (or try out both ways)
If you're interested in the bleeding edge development version, you can find it here
Yes we are working on getting flare into the repositories of the distributions as that way is the preferred way of installation by most people. However there are a lot of distributions and we're in contact with some packagers, so hopefully the distributions pick up the new versions quickly. (That highly depends on the distributions philosophy)