Tweaking artwork
Tweaking artwork
I like the Liberated Pixel Cup Farm tileset but it isn't exactly what I require to illustrate some Maize breeding work. I have very slightly modified some of the soil tiles to create a field with aisles/pathways between ranges of rows but it is very flat and straight and not exactly what I want. I need to modify one tile to have the first row closer to the edge on the bottom. I have both horizontal as well as vertical rows and the plants don't really lie up with the rotated row furrows. The row-end tiles have 3/4 of unused space and I am thinking of modifying them by adding more row in the tile so the end has half a pathway. I want to show my field illustrations and tiled maps to the public in a youtube video and then in my Walter Mitty style 2D RPG, but I am wondering how I should attribute amateur modifications the original creators might not want the public to think were the prduct of their work. Should I include some kind of clause after the attribution that says the amateur looking modifications were made by me?
I am using an approximate scale where 1 tile represents 3 square feet. It seems a bit long and if I had a modified aisle tile, I might half that scale so that a row is only 3-5 tiles long (3 row tiles and 2 end pieces with half an aisle each). I want long rectangular ranges, not the squares of Farmville.
The attached image below is the basic idea of what I am trying to create. I rotated the row tile and the row-end tiles, removed some straight lines in the edge tiles and the row-end tiles to make paths. The path tiles have a flat monotone texture. I need to work on removing straight lines and adding more texture to the tiles I reduced to a monotone texture. I added a small wooden stake (across two tiles) but they need black smudges near the tops to represent numbers written sideways at the top of the stakes.
The original artwork is by Daniel Eddeland and may be found at
I modified a picket fence from a rural tileset to represent stakes that in reality are only a foot long by an inch wide with a point on the last inch. My tractor is very rough and might offend the sensibilities of artists. I am still unsure of whether to use a top-down perspective or something more isometric. The top-down perspective looks very flat but shows both lines.
I have also added some coloured construction paper flags.
I am going to add rectangular white earshoot bags over the top ear and beige tassel bags.
I am working on an animated measuring tape to illustrate measuring out and staking the plot ranges.
I made a three-quarter overhead tractor. It is very flawed but looks better than the flat top down tractor.
The top down tractor is very simple but the stakes are not topdown but more like three-quarter overhead since stakes in the foreground cover lines in the soil behind them.
The tilest for the corn and tilled soil was created by Daniel Eddeland. I have modified it for horizontal rows and added wooden stake tiles. See [LPC] Farming tilesets, magic animations and UI elements
Open Game Art