LPC license violations?
LPC license violations?
So I found this game searching for my own. in addition to using my game's name, it seems it uses LPC art assets in a mannor that violates the license.
So I found this game searching for my own. in addition to using my game's name, it seems it uses LPC art assets in a mannor that violates the license.
Good catch. Just a quick note: license enforcment is the responsibility of the original authors of the content involved. Unless you're the creator of the specific content being used here (or have spoken with the author(s) of that content) don't grab the torches and pitchforks. Generally people only need a friendly poke in order to get into compliance.
Note: I'd be happy to contact the author on behalf of the artists, but I want to talk to them first about how to proceed.
I prefer the people who notice it give the friendly reminder and only contact me if it's something that needs my involvement to be resolved. Otherwise I'd be spending every waking moment protecting my copyright and getting pretty angry that people can't follow a simple "give me credit" rule.
Wow, that game is unplayable. It certainly doesn't look like there's any attribution or licensing information, which is an issue. While I doubt that it poses much risk of making money from our artists' various work, I wouldn't mind the site being contacted to mention the issue. Though, based on how much serious violation there appears to be on the site, I doubt it will help too much.
I only bring it up because it deeply offends my sensibilities...
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG
I'll send them a polite message asking them to attribute properly.
On that note, can anyone see any sort of contact information?
I just found a video of this game on youtube and I left a comment, hoping that the author of the video is the author of the game.
I don't think there's a whole lot that can be done about them lifting your title. :(
I know I'm blathering a lot here...
You might want to reformat your original post so that it's not a clickable link, that way google doesn't give them even more hits. I think removing the http will work.
Ehh, titles are not and should not be copyrightable. Now the fact they couldn't be bothered to give credit is total BS.
The CC licenses even have 'explain it like I'm five' pages so it's not like understanding them is all that hard.
Here is a contact mail @bart: www. gamesgood. com/contactus/
A name like "Dungeon Tactics" could well be made up independently (and I agree with gnudist it wouldn't and shouldn't be a copyright issue anyway). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41rtLDVxEsQ suggests the game has existed since at least 21 July 2012 - was that before or after the release of your game?
Either way, for a name made up by two existing words, coincidence is far more likely than malice in my opinion (whenever I've thought up names for games, searching for names often finds more than one existing game with the same name).
Attribution for the LPC art should be given however. Note that the game has been submitted to various sites for online games, and the contact http:// www. gamesgood. com/contactus/ seems to be for the site - so that's fine to ask them to take it down, but the other sites would have to be done separately. Although they might be able to say how to get hold of the author, perhaps.
http:// izismile. com/2012/07/27/dungeon_tactics.html has an online comments form, not sure if the author would be paying attention.
I agree with bart that friendly pokes are better than torches and pitchforks.
I made some small edits to some posts so links aren't generated automatically. I'd prefer we not give these sites a boost on google.
Considering the nature of that site, with a number of games having spirites ripped right out of official big budget titles, I would not be suprised at all if they did not care in the slightest about a friendly poke.
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG