LPC in iOS games, sadly not possible.
LPC in iOS games, sadly not possible.
I recently started developing my first game ever (iOS: It consists of my first game, graphics, sprites, music, and programming attempts). There are so many people that are more talented than me it's depressing, but also encouraging. Through other forums I have met some wonderful programmers who have helped me both with direction and proper techniques. After 7 months I have finally got my game engine (still kinda shakey and needing additions) near ready.
When it comes to graphics, I realized I couldn't make what I wanted alone. Because of OpenGameArt, I found some of the best artwork around and it has helped me as an upcoming app developer tremendously. When just starting out, no one really takes you seriously: you have any experience, money, or recyclable material.
So then I found LPC, and was estatic! If I picked CC-by-SA, I would have to post my art derivations, but that is a small price to pay having such a great library.
Then I found out that this would force me share my code CC-by-SA. This, however, isn't possible. All apple games on the app store must be released under the Apple liscense, which isn't compatible with GPL or CC-by-SA. So I'm stuck. I would love to use LPC tiles on my iOS device, and would be more than glad to add advertisement for opengame art/LPC on my spash screen and main menu. I would also be open to sharing my art used in creating this game on OpenGame art.
To give you guys an Idea of my game, here is my my main avertisement photo. I would also be wiling to show any LPC art providers my game (even now at it's current stage) and give them updates through development (and a copy of the game if they have an iphone).
**Attributation:Notice that the trees and clouds were not made by me! The trees were originally made by Leonard Pabin found here: http://opengameart.org/content/whispers-of-avalon-grassland-tileset. Also the clouds are originally by GameArtForge and can be found here: http://opengameart.org/content/clouds-set-01. **
So here it is: For any original LPC tileset contributors... would you allow me to use your tilesets in my game under CC-by? I saw that original artists were allowed to release their art under more liscenses than just the two that were required. I will make sure to provide all derivations through a trust basis if that is alright with everyone.
Also, I would be willing to provide you with my e-mail and facebook beforehand so you know who you are releasing the art to. Please don't hesitate to ask questions, I'd be more than glad to talk anything over with you guys. Thanks everyone!
Well, there is a reason why some of us use CC-BY-SA, we want something back to the community. If apple is a dead end, it's apple that need to change, not us. Reconsider if iOS is something you really want to support.
Where did you read that CC-by-SA artwork forces you to release your code under an license ment for artwork? IMHO that is FUD but IANAL (heh try getting all those appreviations :p ).
Besides, you can dual license your code under another open-source license also to make sure no-one has a reason to complain.
@CC. Nilsson-
I understand that and see why you want your art CC-by-SA. When I first started making my game I didn’t know anything about licensing. My code unfortunately is in the language it is in, and I’d have to restart from scratch to go to a different platform. Trusting someone with your artwork that you don’t know is hard, but isn’t this whole site about trusting the community? There are always exceptions to the conditions we set forth, and what I’m asking is that LPC artists consider what they intended when licensing LPC CC-by-SA. If it was to restrict the use of certain platforms I’ll gladly accept this. But if it was to ensure the growth and community of the project, I’m asking for an exception in my case so I can use the artwork as it was intended. I have friends and family like everyone here and I’ll be happy to give everyone my FB, contact info, and app name for accountability. Also, you can license the art to me on a conditional basis. In the end though, I know it’s up to you guys and I’ll respect your decision.
@Julius -
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
This license requires you to release the source your entire project under the same license or one with similar terms, such as the GNU GPL. If you're trying to sell a game, this is probably something you want to avoid, as you will be required to distribute the source code, and your users will be allowed to distribute it as well.
Since this is the sites policy I must assume it was also the artist's intent.
@cjc83486: The (relatively) easy solution is to release your game both under the GPL (perhaps the source on github) and the Apple license (on the iOS store). So long as the game is also available as GPL, no one can complain. That is if you are comfortable giving away your game. :)
If not, I'm afraid you'll just have to recognize that some of the contributors may not have wanted their art to be used to sell a commercial game without that game also being available under a license such as GPL.
HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG
I would prefer my contributions to LPC to be CC-By, so you have my permission.
@Gaurav -
I could do that, yes, but the fact is I'd still need the artists permission. Plus if the code is GPL on github it is still worthless to anyone for the same reason I cant use your images. Id rather instead provide my art to the community, if that is alright with the artist.
@Sharm -
Thank you! I can't express my gratitude enough! Ill make sure to e-mail you and keep you updated if you'd like? I don't want to spam you if you don't care about my project.
--since Sharm created most of the base tilesets, any derivatives (of just her artwork) should be ok to give myself permission to use. This doesnt, however allow you to release your dervatives to the public as CC-by. Thanks again Sharm!
Forgive my ignorance, but can't you download and install iOS applications from sources other than Apple's? I mean like android; it has fdroid repository of open source applications.
First off, some disclaimers: I am not a lawyer. All below is just my understanding as a layman. I don't know the CC licenses in detail. I was not a mayor contributor to the LPC art phase.
Already in the original submission, I used a third license (http://www.weyer-zuhause.de/mark/software/oinm_license_0) whereever that was possible. In a nutshell, the license requires distribution of source, is copyleft, but tries hard to contaminate as little other stuff as possible.
But I was able to do that only to precious few parts of my submission, because most is somehow based on the LPC base assets. (Using the recommended shadow colour suffices to be a derived work.)
I am unlikely to relicense under more permissive terms.
@Sharm: Was that a CC-By grant to everybody (if so, which version?), or just a permission to cjc83486?
And do you by chance happen to be the sole originator of that shadow colour?
Back @cjc83486: I don't quite understand your last post.
- "if the code is GPL on github it is still worthless to anyone for the same reason I cant use your images". I don't see that at all. Even if, out of the box, the code only runs on some proprietary system, it could still be adapted to anything else.
- "since Sharm created most of the base tilesets, any derivatives (of just her artwork) should be ok to give myself permission to use." I find that a bit ambiguous. So let me clarify, just in case: You can distribute her unmodified work only under the same license. You can distribute YOUR modifications of her work more freely. You do not have permission to distribute anyone else's (edit: previously published) modifications of her work except under the GPL or CC-by-SA grant already given.
- "This doesnt, however allow you to release your dervatives to the public as CC-by." Are you refering to our derivatives of Sharm's work? Then, depending on her answer to my above question, this may be correct or not. Or are you refering to our derivatives of your derivatives? If you plan to restrict that, I have even less incentive to relicense my stuff.
First question: I think a lot of people are confused at what CC-by-SA means, and I can understand why. It is intuitive to think that the liscense only applies to art, but when you think about, if a game used all CC-by-SA art, is it really a seperate thing or isn't it an adaptation of the work? I'm guessing it's the latter, either way I always assume the worst. I can see how you would think that ideally someone.. somewhere.. could use it to help them make an iOS app (maybe by just 'seeing how I did things, but the likely hood of this happening is much less then someone just stealing code chunks and using it without my permission. If they used it under CC-by-SA/GPL they couldn't put it on the app store anyway, and it is next to impossible to know if someone is using your code. Also, it doesn't help me solve the issue of using LPC tilesets. They are currently under CC-by-SA with the websites intention of the liscense (and Legally I think Bart has it right, this liscense forces you to give up your source code either way.)
Second question: No, she is giving me a CC-by liscense. Legally, I'm not sure if I can or can't publish her stuff under CC-by, I don't really care. She gave me a CC-by liscense under my certain situation, obviously if she wants to publically release it as CC-by she can on this website fairly easily. It isn't up to me to judge what she does with her art, and for me personally I feel all of the derivatives of her work belong to her, so when I upload them to this website they will be under the same liscense as her material. If she changes her stuff to CC-by then I will change my derivatives. All I know is that she is kind enough for me to use her tiles not bounded by the SA parameters, I'll let her decide the rest.
Third question: I'm stating that she gave me permission to use her work. She can decide who is allowed to use her derivatives as CC-by. If the only two contributors to a certain piece of LPC art are her and someone who derived her work, then they can also give me permission to use that peice of art as CC-by. Essentially to use a peice of art under a different liscense you have to get everyone's permission who contributed to that one peice of art.
@vk Yes, but not easily.
The most common workaround requires jailbreaking your phone, which is the same as rooting your Android device, and which Apple makes very difficult. In the US, this was legal for a couple of years thanks to the Library of Congress creating an exemption within the DMCA, but IIRC, they reversed that decision in January. Other countries may be more or less forward-thinking in regards to copyright. Edit: Unlocking your phone to work on a different carrier is illegal, but jailbreaking is still legal, in the US: http://www.cultofmac.com/213144/unlocking-a-new-iphone-is-now-illegal-but-jailbreaking-is-still-safe-what-it-all-means-for-you/
Alternately, you could pay for a developer account with Apple, so that you can build and install your own apps to your devices, but that costs money, I believe.
VLC had a huge spat with Apple regarding the incompatibility with the GPL, which resulted in VLC being pulled from the Apple app store. It is still in the Cydia app store, I believe, which has much more liberal terms, but exists outside of the Apple-blessed ecosystem.
The Free Software Foundation wrote an article on the incompatibility of the GPL and Apple's App Store: http://www.fsf.org/news/2010-05-app-store-compliance
@caeles: "(Using the recommended shadow colour suffices to be a derived work.)"
No, it definitely doesn't. Colors are not subject to copyright.
@C.Nilsson: as an artist, I'm mostly interested in allowing my art to be useful to people. The more useful it is, in my view, the more likely people are to want to use and contribute to it. CC-By-SA is kinda a mess for game development; just look at the billion IRC discussions/arguments we've had about what it really means in terms of source release (or various interpretations in this thread). I'd really prefer for people not to be in the position of not being sure of what they can and can't do. CC-By has some issues, but they seem to have much easier workarounds.
Anyway, I am ready to release my contributions (the character base and original animations, plus my other entries wherever possible) under CC-By, if I can be sure it won't bother the organizers of the contest (the people who commissioned it in the first place). It may take a while, though I don't think it will be a problem; I just want to be sure first. It should help, though the really awesome stuff (add-ons, extra animations, etc) were all entrant-made and dual-licensing of that stuff is of course entirely up to them.
Awesome! I didn't know you were the original sprite provider! :) I think you are right though, before you decide to release them to the public as CC-BY, you might want to talk to Bart and the others who head it up. You guys may be able to work with Creative Commons to get a CC-BY-SA license written up that is only graphics/image bound. Maybe call it (CC-BY-IMGSA). This might be a pain for original artwork, like logos and extras, but it'd be better than what they have in place now.
I just uploaded my sprites I've made for my game and most of the graphics ( I havent done any tileset work yet since I didn't have permission until now). I liscensed them under CC-By-SA for now since I am a ways away from making my game. I'd like to publish it to apple before releasing the artwork and zombies under other licenses... If you aren't making a iOS app though, I'll be happy to talk to you about offering a less restrictive liscense. Anyway thanks guys!
It's not true that CC BY-SA requires source to be released (see below). However, it is the case that the CC BY-SA art itself must be relicensed under the same terms, so the issue of "All apple games on the app store must be released under the Apple liscense" may still be true.
Also see some discussion at https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/9846/iosmac-app-store-and-cc-by... .
I agree with C.Nilsson's reply. Yes, licence incompatibility can be a shame, but I'd argue that things like the locking down of computing devices is certainly in the spirit of what Free copyleft licences were intended to deter (or at least, not support). Still, you are of course free to ask the copyright holders what they think, they may be okay with more liberal licences.
@Gaurav: "The (relatively) easy solution is to release your game both under the GPL (perhaps the source on github) and the Apple license (on the iOS store). So long as the game is also available as GPL, no one can complain."
It may be true that no one complains, but I'm not sure that fixes the issue. The problem isn't availability of source code, it's relicensing under a different term, which would apply even if the files are available elsewhere. (I mean, I can't relicense CC BY-SA art under a proprietary licence - I don't think it's allowed just because I could say "But you can still download the files from Open Game Art"?)
@cjc83486: "This license requires you to release the source your entire project under the same license or one with similar terms, such as the GNU GPL. If you're trying to sell a game, this is probably something you want to avoid, as you will be required to distribute the source code, and your users will be allowed to distribute it as well."
This FAQ is incorrect imo. There is nothing in the CC BY-SA licence text ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) that says "or similar" includes the GPL. In fact, the text refers to "Creative Commons Compatible License", defined at http://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses , which currently says "Please note that to date, Creative Commons has not approved any licenses for compatibility"!
I think it is a problem of CC BY-SA that the human-readable summary refers to "similar" licences (and indeed, share "alike" is part of the name), yet in fact, there are no similar licences, you can only relicence under CC BY-SA itself.
Also I think the OGA FAQ needs to be updated, unless a reliable reference can be found supporting it?
"Since this is the sites policy I must assume it was also the artist's intent."
Though if someone releases something under a licence, the terms of that licence applies - if the author thought it meant something else, it's their own fault.
If you have something that said "Licenced under the CC BY-SA. Games using it must be released under the GPL", one could argue it was some kind of adapation of the licence - but this isn't the case here. I don't think one could argue that files released under CC BY-SA on this site, are bound by the definition in the FAQ just because it's on the same site. (Indeed, that would be a whole can of worms in itself, as anyone uploading someone else's CC BY-SA work to OGA would be in violation for relicensing...)
Though as I say, the issue of relicensing CC BY-SA not being allowed on Apple's application site may still apply.
"if a game used all CC-by-SA art, is it really a seperate thing or isn't it an adaptation of the work?"
But if this the case, then it wouldn't be sufficient to release the game binary/code as GPL (since that isn't a "similar" licence), you'd have to release the game as CC BY-SA. Which is why I hope that interpretation isn't true, as it basically makes CC BY-SA useless for game art (well, I suppose one could get round it by dual-licensing the game binary as CC BY-SA).
As for the debate about which licence to use, I think this comes back to the classic GPL vs BSD debate: whether to preserve freedom for users, or whether to maximise freedom for developers. The paradox is you can't do both, which is why we end up with these two philosophies to Free software/content.
@C.Nilsson: "I don't see CC-BY-SA as a mess for game development if the game is open source. If it's not, then I don't want my by-sa art in it"
Unfortunately, the CC BY-SA licence doesn't say that. It's unclear there is a licence that says that - possibly the GPL, but using the GPL for art is a bit vague as to how it applies, again.
ETA: I also like the tactic taken by the FSF (re: the linked news item) - that they didn't ask them to take it down, they asked for the terms to be changed. Of course Apple were unlikely to change just from one request, but it means FSF can't be made to look the bad guys :)
@mdwh: I too am not a lawyer. I hope your interpretation of the license is correct. However, vague words such as "adaptation" in the license aren't helpful. It would seem to indicate a game where you can take a screenshot that is clearly a derivative work sounds like an "adaptation" to me. If the license intended to exclude source code or applications, it should have clearly said so. Anyway, I was going by what was said in the opengameart FAQ.
Anyhow, Mozilla uses CC-BY-SA artwork in a MPL-GPL-LGPL tri-license game (BrowserQuest) distributed online, and that's what I'm doing, so I figure I must be on firm ground with my HTML5 RPG, even if the MPL or LGPL are nothing like the GPL or CC-BY-SA.
HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG
'This FAQ is incorrect imo. There is nothing in the CC BY-SA licence text ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode ) that says "or similar" includes the GPL. In fact, the text refers to "Creative Commons Compatible License", defined at http://creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses , which currently says "Please note that to date, Creative Commons has not approved any licenses for compatibility"!'
Agreed that the FAQ is incorrect in regards to CC-By-SA art affecting the code license - it doesn't. Here is an article by cwebber (formerly of Creative Commons, and one of the principal organizers of the LPC) explaining in detail the separation of the data layer (art, sound, etc.) from the software layer (code/executables) where licensing is concerned. Also, see this discussion on Freegamer by BartK (who wrote the FAQ originally) expressing the same view on code/data separation.
My project: Bits & Bots
It can even be argued that CC-by-SA doesn't effect other artwork that is not actually compiled with a CC-by-SA artwork in a single file. In that sense it is more like the LGPL.
However what I didn't think about in my original comment was the issue of relicensing artwork for the apple appstore, which is clearly not possible with the CC-by-SA. But I guess that is part of the reason why it exist (screw Apple, long live Microsoft... err or something like that :p )
Just to avoid a couple bits of confusion:
At any rate, this isn't about being vindictive ("screw Apple"). Apple has a lot of organizational inertia, and they obviously care very little about Free Software or the Creative Commons. They're not going to change just because people have asked them to (they've been asked, they declined). The only way they're going to change is if they get a significant volume of complaints from their customers. If you haven't complained to Apple about these practices and how they affect your game development already, I would strongly suggest that you do so. It's not fair just to complain to the artists.
Thanks for your input Bart. So, to clarify then, yes, I give permission to use my base asset contributions (that is, the male and female bases, and the original set of poses made by me including walking, slashing, falling, spell-casting) under CC-By. This will be nice and formalized on the site later, but go ahead.
Furthermore, you (cjc83486) may ignore the anti-DRM clause. Not because I like or support DRM as a thing (who would? it's awful.) but because I appreciate the current practical problems with distribution of your work. Also definitely not because I like or support Apple (and I'll admit, there is a vindictive component to that in my case).
I would like to clarify that I don't have any problem with copyleft as a concept; my only problem is -by-SA in particular because of the questions involved. It is my hope that wider use of FOSS assets will lead to wider involvement with and expansion of FOSS assets independent of license requirements. And, possibly, that there will be a better copyleft art license (or licenses, hopefully), available at some point.
I also am giving blanket permission for my LPC assets to be used under CC-By ignoring the anti-DRM clause. I wish I had more to add to the discussion but I have to admit it's too much legalese for me.
Well, this isn't really the path I was trying to take to ask for permission to use LPC participant's art, however I guess we did shine light on the iOS troubles with GPL and CC-BY-SA... and the anti-DRM clause. *Everyone Deep Breath* :) haha.
Thanks everyone for at contributing your knowledge and time, like I said I am new to all of this so I am no expert. This week is my spring break from college so I have more time to spend on my project. I stumbled across the liscensing issue (thank goodness) which put me kind of in a panic, and in turn has made me separate my tilesets into alloweduse and pending.
As a fellow artist (I draw a lot, this is my first go around at digital art), I realize that I wouldn't want anyone using my art in any way I didn't allow. Thus, instead of me wondering what people wanted, I thought I'd ask each participant individually and get permission. However, I felt I had to explain my situation for anyone to take me seriously.
Thank you for understanding and helping out, I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes, especially you. I read in the entry somewhere that you allowed more liscenses than just CC-By-SA and GPL, so I assumed it was ok to ask the participants (which is thankfully the case :) ). I didn't really think about the payment aspect because it was a contest... Nonetheless, I'm glad you cleared up the mud for me on what I need to be asking artists. Also, I am happy to hear you are working on a blanket permission. I know the farther and bigger a project becomes the harder it is to get ahold of anyone, and seeing how you guys did such a great job with LPC, I'm guessing the contributor list is going to get pretty big.
Thank you! I was actually just going to start creating a base sprite sheet for my own character dimensions, but now I am wondering If I should use yours. Where I'm stuck is that I already put hours into my zombies and they won't match dimensionally... erg, any ideas? I mean I could go ahead and recreate all my zombies, but I like the design of them so much already. Either way I'm going to need to do sprite work so I'll have to make a decision.
Thank you for checking back and making a blanket permission. I was wondering if I should recontact you about it.. but didn't want to bug you. Now I don't have to, haha, thanks for your work!
As Bart has stated, currently I'll still need to ask the artitists individually for tilesets. I originally thought most people would either shoot me down or give me a passive yes, so I understand both. If you end up giving me(Curt) permission to use them under a CC-BY liscense excluding the anti-DRM clause, just let me know on this page.
I'll make sure to post all of my tileset derivatives used in my game. I'll be putting them up as CC-BY-SA. This is because although I may be allowed a CC-BY-DRM (made that term up), that doesn't mean the artist wanted the public to have it under this license. I'm going to respect their decision and post my derivatives the same way. I can split the tilesets and derivatives up by original artist too... (might get messy... but I can do my best) on request and post them as CC-BY-DRM if the original art is liscensed the same way. Haha, just realize that I'm human and this might not get done immediately... :D.
So far what I'm using is:
-Magecity (not LPC) by Zabin. -CC0
-LPC Base Tilesets by Sharm (only the ones she's made)
-and now, RedStrike's..... just need to think the best approach for innermixing my sprites.
***I just found out about the DRM clause... so I'm going to have to go around and talk to the CC-by contributors .. *sigh*.
me: "(Using the recommended shadow colour suffices to be a derived work.)"
redshrike: "No, it definitely doesn't. Colors are not subject to copyright."
I am not fully convinced.
On one end of the scale we have trivial colours like #ff0000. I agree that copyright is unlikely to attach to these. Partly because they express a technical necessity rather than an artistic idea.
On the other end we have 2D art, which consists of colours assigned to 2D positions. I believe that the copyrightability of such art encompasses the choice of colours.
The questions is, where the threshold of copyrightability lies. And the answer is likely to be jurisdiction-dependent. I agree that the shadow colour just by itself is probably rather low on the scale.
As a rule of thumb, I expect colour ramps (as found somewhere in the LPC base assets) to be copyrightable, simply because it is difficult for me as a non-artists to create good ones. Or, more generally, a set of colours that are designed to work well with each other.
Of course that wouldn't make every 2D art which happens to contain some colours of the ramp a derived work of the ramp. But the case where I deliberately used the shadow colour specified for the LPC, in 2D art for the LPC, very much feels like a derived work.
"As a rule of thumb, I expect colour ramps (as found somewhere in the LPC base assets) to be copyrightable, simply because it is difficult for me as a non-artists to create good ones."
My understanding is that being difficult to create is not sufficient to be copyrightable, but there must be a creative element. I guess one could argue there can be a creative element to a colour palette, though it's not really clear to me...
I'm the one who picked the shadow color and I don't care what people do with it. If that's all you use I don't even care if I get credit. If it were something like Coca-Cola Red that's tied up with my brand identity and has marketing money tied in to get just the right emotional response, then sure, I'd want my colors to be protected under copyright, but for something like this where I just played with sliders and percentages until it didn't look awful, it's not an issue.
HOWEVER, the colors might be a part of LPC's brand identy, so I'll leave it up to Bart if those colors should only be used for LPC artworks.
Oh, fun. :)
I don't really want this ball in my court, since it's not my art. If it were up to me (legally it isn't), I would not in any circumstance ever go after anyone just for using the same color palette that I used in a work. From my limited understanding of copyright law, I do not believe that simply using the same palette as someone else infringes on copyright, regardless of license, and I haven't seen any credible evidence to the contrary. We really could use an opinion on this from someone who is versed in copyright law.
A color can in some cases be trademarked as part of branding, but colors (and, I believe, even full palettes) are completely outside the realm of copyright.
If we're talking about a single shadow colour (not even using the palette), then that does seem uncopyrightable in my opinion - otherwise I could just release a colour map that copyrights every colour in a 24-bit palette :)
For an artist who makes use of a palette, there's perhaps some argument it's a derivative work. Though they'd have to admit it, or show some evidence of this - again, I can't just put up a colour palette and claim ownership of those colours, if people use them independently.
Brand identity would be to do with trademark law. I think colours could be trademarked, though this is more to do with commercial use (And who knows - it wouldn't surprise me if in the US you could get a design patent for something like a colour...) But I don't see how doing any of this would be anything in the interest of being Free or Open Source.
I suppose I'm going to have to put out some sort of official OGA position on this, which, not being a lawyer, I really hate to do. We have to take copyright law very seriously, because people need to be able to use the media here without fear of legal repercussions. So, to start off with, I'm going to say that officially OGA will not worry about copyrights on color palettes.
My reasoning is as follows:
In summary, there's always some vanishingly small but nonzero probability that someone might sue you over any content that you use. At some point you need to draw the line.
One other note: Pantone has been known for posturing about copyrighting their color collection, but copyright law explicitly excludes databases and compilations. While it would seem to me that they don't have a leg to stand on, they do have a huge pile of money to stand on and have issued cease & desist letters for use of their color database. It's not worth the hassle and risk to fight them over it, so we will treat the Pantone palette as if they have a valid copyright, even though it's extremely doubtful that they do.
Thanks for taking the issue seriously.
To dissolve all doubts, would it be possible for you to license the LPC style guide permissively, say under CC0? That would take care of all concerns (not just about colours) of the kind "I made this art so it matches the LPC style, now is it a derived work?".
That's a good question. I'll ask and get back to you.
Any progress on this issue?
You might need to be a little more specific on which issue.. there were quite a few, haha. If you meant LPC assets being changed from CC-BY-SA to CC-BY, it is on a artist by artist basis. Currently, I know Sharm has released all her LPC original assets (not derived from others work) under CC-BY. I think I remember a few saying they would as well, however the best thing to do is to ask each person.
We are all friendly and considerate. If there are any art assets that are licensed too restrictive, the best thing to do is just to ask the artist and explain your particular case. Although it is a hassel, it provides you with assurance and security.
Feng Zhu (star wars guy) touched on the subject of the dangers of copyright infringement and said briefly that even ripping colors from another piece of artwork is frowned upon in the industry. he didnt say legal or not just that it was frowned upon. basically saying if you rip a color palette it raises questions to your employer what else you might have taken or copied.
Assuming your using LPC artwork in a new game;
the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license txt leads me to believe, that you are free to publicly display the LPC artwork images in an app, as long as you are able to credit such artwork as being CC-BY-SA 3.0, include a URL to the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license, and you give credit to the original artists, and mention the affiliated LPC, and you provide a URL to the LPC's sites, and a URL to Opengameart where they can obtain said images.
You also can create derivative works, liked recoloring, redrawing, changing size or other ways of modifying the images, which you can also publicly display in your app, if you label appropriately which works were changed such as "Main Character based on original Goblin by ___", and you make any derivative artwork available under the same CC-BY-SA license, and prove a url to where the user could obtain said deriviative images.
That should satisfy all of the CC-BY-SA terms.
But if youve already submitted a game for the LPC, or your modifying the existing source code on one of those games, your game is stuck under a GNU license and would required releasing your game's source code.
This is not such an old thread but I still don't wish to be seen as resurrecting it but this is related: