Problems Running Self-Compiled FLARE Executable on OS X 10.6

Problems Running Self-Compiled FLARE Executable on OS X 10.6

artisticdude's picture

Hi all,

Today I cloned the flare-game repository to my Mac running 10.6.8, and I've been running into some issues running the executable I've compiled from the source. When I try and build the executable using Cmake it can't find SDLmain, and I'm not yet familiar enough with Cmake to know how to correct that problem. So instead I cd'ed to the toplevel of the flare-game directory and invoked gcc directly using the command:

g++ -o flare src/*.cpp src/*.c -lSDL -lSDLmain -lSDL_image -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_ttf -framework Cocoa

The executable compiles and links without a problem, but when I launch it, the game immediately crashes with an abort trap error. Here's the stdout log:

>No joysticks were found.
>Using joystick #0.
>Failed to open pDevice->interface via open.
>flare(4360,0x7fff7005fcc0) malloc: *** error for object 0x100785c30: pointer being freed was not allocated
>*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
>Abort trap

Has anyone else experienced this issue, or is it something at my end?