euro palette
euro palette
Sunday, March 31, 2013 - 03:06
Art Type:
A standard (euro 1200mmx800mm) slightly used and weathered wooden palette.
- texture: 2048, diffuse only
- polycount: 304
- vertex count: 576
- file formats: obj, x, fbx, dae, b3d
- public domain
- edit note: the texture in the preview is a bit different since it's an older shot and has changed since then. Also the vertex count is a bit higher because 'split per-vertex normals' was checked when exporting..

Why does everyone make euro palettes? There is around 5 CC0 Euro Palettes around now.
I needed it in my project and it was good exercise to learn about modelling and texturing. Didn't realize there were that many already available.. Next time i'll look before submitting!
A better sorted archive would solve that problem, so everyone could see what would be needed to make the collection complete, otherwise public domain is always useful, I use it mostly for ripping of the textures, because you can never have enough of them.
If you are interested I can upload the source photos I took for making this texture, and others..
This would be good, OGA lacks of textures.
Thanks to oga, I know the standard size of a euro palette. Anyway those textures look quite realistic. GJ