How can I find the way from Cave 1 to Cave 2
How can I find the way from Cave 1 to Cave 2
Saturday, June 16, 2012 - 23:52
How can I find the way from Cave 1 to Cave 2 ?? I was in Lost Mine level 1 but i could not find the way!
How can I find the way from Cave 1 to Cave 2 ?? I was in Lost Mine level 1 but i could not find the way!
There is now Cave 2 (yet). Basically Cave 1 and Lost Mines 1 are just demos of what caves could be like. They're also decent areas to grind in preparation for the Cave of Living Bones, which is in a completely different location further into the Ydrakka Pass than the Averguard Keep.
There's nothing after the Cave of Living Bones, though. At that point, you've basically beaten the current Flare tech demo.
Oh that's it? I've been playing for hours trying to find something...