[Audacity] Radio Voice Effect

[Audacity] Radio Voice Effect

Trying to get that lo-fi effect for your voices or sounds? Audacity can do it right out of the box.

What You Will Need

  • Audacity. It's free and easy to use.
  • Plugins - You won't need any extra plugins for this effect.
  • eSpeak (optional) - If you don't have a microphone or don't feel comfortable with your voice, you can use this for text-to-speech synthesis. The output isn't amazing, but it can suffice and is unencumbered by any licensing restrictions.

Creating the Effect

  1. Take a recording of your voice in Audacity. You can load any WAV output from eSpeak in as well.
  2. Select all of the sound by using the selection tool or press Ctrl-A.
  3. Select Effect -> High Pass Filter... from the menu. When prompted, you can use the default Cutoff frequency (usually 1009 or 1015 Hz).
  4. Select Effect -> Amplify... from the menu. Generally 11dB is a good value. Make sure "Allow Clipping" is turned on; we want to get the maximum amount of grunge we can.
  5. Repeat Step 3 and 4. When running Amplify again, set it to about half the dB value of the original (around 5-6 dB if you set it to 11 the first time).

Adding Static

Want something even grungier? Add some static!

  1. Add another blank track (Project -> New Stereo Track, or Mono Track if you prefer).
  2. With the blank track selected, click Generate -> White Noise from the menu. Set the duration to the same length as your original recording.
  3. Notice that the white noise generated is quite loud by default and can overpower your original track. Lower the gain (on the left side of the track) to at least -12 dB. This should put it in the background and let the primary sound take the forefront.
  4. Click Effect -> High Pass Filter... from the menu on your noise track. Repeat this several times. This will help homogenize it so it sounds like both sounds are coming from the same source.
  5. [OPTIONAL] - If you want to make it sound more spacey, add the Phaser effect to both tracks. This effect is also included with the base install of Audacity.

You can also cut just a small portion (0.25 seconds or even shorter) of the static track and put it at the beginning and end of every line of voice dialogue. This gives the effect of a radio transmitter signal cutting on and off.

Have fun!