Health Potion = Gold?

Health Potion = Gold?

I just deleted and re-cloned my flare-engine and flare-game and it's still doing this... it seems that health potions are dropping in place of gold at the moment.  They get counted in the gold total on the inv screen, but still stack only to 10 like potions.  Either something got crossed up or something changed in how the game is supposed to be set up.

Here are the steps I go through:

1) git clone

2) cd flare-engine; cmake . ; make ; cd ../

3) git clone

4) cd flare-game; ln -s ../flare-engine/flare ./flare; cd mods; ln -s ../../flare-engine/mods/default ./default

5) cd ../ ; ./flare

Both are set to the current main branch.
