Medals (community input encouraged)
Medals (community input encouraged)
So, one thing that will definitely be a part of the OGA 2.0 experience is the Medal system. Medals are well-liked, but they have certain shortcomings that I'd really like to address. Here's what to expect:
- If you have a higher version of a medal, it will supersede the lower versions in the medals block on the main page. That is, if you have 2D Art Contributor (Silver), then you won't see 2D Art Contributor (Bronze), even though you still technically have it.
- A page that lists all of the medals along with (possibly) your progress toward each.
- A page for each medal that lists who's earned it.
- A block that shows who recently earned medals.
- New medals, including, but not limited to:
- Medals for entering and winning the Weekly Challenge
- Medals for popularity (the total number of Favorites your art has received)
If you have more ideas for things we could do with medals, I'd love to hear them. In general, the idea is to award medals to people for doing things that we want to encourage them to do, so we can recognize active community members. Any more medals we come up with should follow along that vein.
If you have a higher version of a medal, it will supersede the lower versions in the medals block on the main page.
Very good :)
Excellent. Will the graphics be changed to match the overall OGA2.0 design as well?
Potentially. Maybe we can have a contest.
OH what about...
- extra medals for submitting x amount of public domain stuff 10 25 50 75 100.
- extra medals for if you reach x amount of total favorites on your 3D submissions, 2D submissions, audio submissions - it would help distinguish users who submit quality assets of x type.
- extra medals for having x points (make titles like a regular forum: newcomer, regular, veteran etc)
- medals for winning weekly challenges (+1)
- extra medals for best monthly and yearly submissions: best submission of the month, best submission of the year simply accrued by counting the favorites given when the time period expires for earning the medal
All excellent ideas. :)
ty ^_^ i have 1 more:
what about a "pure awesomeness" medal:
lets say in 2.0 since you can get badges for submitting many things, it is possible earn a total favorites badges via having lots of submissions of medium quality. A pure awesomeness medal can be a medal given to users who have x number of submissions with x number of favorite totals on a single asset. There can be levels too ie:
level 1: 3 assets with over 3 favorites each
level 2: 5 assets with over 5 favorites each
level 3: 10 assets with over 10 favorites each
the idea being, the only possible way to earn a 'pure awesomeness' is by submitting several well liked assets.
In a way having lots of these badges makes using and submitting to oga a game in itself.
how about having medals also for posting blog posts either about gaming, game development and stuff like that and linking them here. Similarly medals for posting art here as well as embedding the same to various social networking sites (re-routing the link to the node itself) . This way traffic is there both on the forum as well as the game. Just to make sense of what I'm trying to say . Its just a thought.
I would hope that maybe, as an incentive, the more medals you get, the more things that will be available... We could, say, make a pack of special models, textures, and sounds that are only downloadable if you reach a certain medal. New medals could also come with privelages.
This would give the community an incentive to submit more, better quality items...
@mrpoly: One thing I want to avoid is any sort of tiered site features, whether it's based on art contributions, donations, etc. I think medals ought to remain cosmetic only.
The one exception that I make to this is for someone (such as yourself) who has contributed a couple of things, I'll often give them permission to skip moderation, so that their art appears instantly. This is more for my own convenience, though. :)
Ah. Well that's nice of you! ;)
Have you been to the BoardGameGeek site? They have all types of medals, probably hundreds. They use them as a source of revenue stream. If you give money you get a founder for that year. If you place a favorite of a game, you get a icon for that game. They have medals for hobbies... I could see maybe having some for 2d artist, 3d artist, ludum dare participator, Gamemaker, ouya, xbox game creator...
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