Unified Blender Game Rig

Unified Blender Game Rig

A recent submission got me thinking about why we really need a good blender rig that is tailored for games

So add here you bits of wisdom and if someone wants to rise up to the challenge and make it we can review it here

The general idea here is to iterate it so as to make it better

My list:

  • The target for the number of bones should be around 60-70 bones that are weighted and there parent/children so for complicated ik and fk with helper bones I suggest using copy pos/rotation on the weighted bones 
  • The rig should be split into 2 subtrees connected by the root bone for blending of upper body and lower body animation
  • Both hands should have an offset bone which represents something which it holds(a gun,a sword etc)
  • Here is a tutorial I found usefull for foot rigging without any helper bones http://vimeo.com/13614039
  • My suggestion is to keep the head simple(with one head bone one jaw and 2 for the eyes) because if we want something more complicated we can make a separate face rig
  • We should really try using 2.53 bone layers and bone visibility but don't know of any tutorial about it

Current progress by Julius :


Blende artists thread:


Free Gamer thread:
