Free the Monsters! fundraising
Free the Monsters! fundraising
Monday, September 30, 2013 - 04:12
Hello world
There is fundraising campaign going on at Indiegogo called "Free the Monsters!". Here's short description from their campaign page:
"Free the Monsters! is a quest. A glorious quest to create a collection of freely licensed fantasy creature designs and game models. We want to make monsters, painted and modeled in open-source software suites, and loose them on the world."
I think this is very relevant to OpenGameArt so I decided to mention it here. I for one think that there aren't enough freely licensed fantasy monsters on the wild :)
They've updated their stretch goals, so they'll be more likely to deliver complete models (with textures and rigging). But they're still a long way off.
Yeah, unfortunately they're still a long way off.
Hmm. I actually understood their update just the other way around. They said that if they reach 10,000 $ goal, they will create textures and if they reach 15,000$, they will create rigs. I would have preferred to have complete models instead of models without textures or rigs so I hope I'm wrong and you are right
Maybe it would have been a better idea to offer fewer but complete models (or at least one).
*deleted. I felt that my comments were rude.
Two threads about this atm. Here's the other one:
Ah, there already was topic concerning "Free the Monsters". Strange that I couldn't find it with forum search with "free the monsters" or "free monsters" (without quotes). I should have tried seaching with just "Monsters".
maybe both the threads could be merged into one.
@Dnyarri: yeah, there must be something wrong with forum searching.