SMB 3 Battle Mode Clone: Need Music

SMB 3 Battle Mode Clone: Need Music

TL;DR Need music for game that is upbeat but not too reptitive, similar to SMB 3.


Hey all,


My game is based on the battle mode from Super Mario Brothers 3. I am having a heck of a time including a screenshot but it is basically a straight clone of the game. It is an assignment in my senior level game design course.

The thing I was hoping I could croud source is finding some good music! You all have so much music on this site that I am having a hard time finding a good fit. 

I'm sure most of you are familiar with the classic music from SMB 3, and I am looking for something in that same vein. It needs to be upbeat and fast to match the pace of the game, but not repetitive to the point that it would be annoying.


I have found one possible candidate, but again it is a little too repetitive and I don't have the expertise or time to build something out of it, but have included it to give you an idea of what I am looking for.


This game would of course be open source if ever uploaded anywhere.


Thanks for any help you can offer!

Edit -- Uploaded a a screencap of the game before any monsters or items have spawned.

Edit2 -- Added link.

screenshot.png screenshot.png 79.8 Kb [1 download(s)]