Flare update
Flare update
Saturday, June 22, 2013 - 23:47
I installed Flare through the Ubuntu Software Center (USC) about a week and a half ago and am having a blast playing it!
A few days ago, I went online to find that the version available through the USC is a bit dated (v0.15)
I'm running xubuntu/xfce.
Can anyone offer suggestions on how I might update my Flare to the latest version, without losing any of my modest game progress (Level 7 - Warrior)?
Thanks in advance!
First off, we've broken save compatibility quite a few times since 0.15, so you won't be able to continue using your old saves.
If you're still interested in trying a more recent version of Flare, you have two options.
1. Debian has a package for 0.18 here: http://packages.debian.org/jessie/flare. My guess it that it should work just fine with Debian-based *buntu distros.
2. Build it from source. You can get the latest version from source. See this page for instructions: http://flarerpg.org/blog/20130613
I got most of the way through #2 but got hung up at this point:
~/flare-game$ sudo make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
I admit I'm not super savvy when it comes to the terminal but am "willing to learn"!
Help? :?
You may need to run "make" before "sudo make install". If all else fails, you could try running the game locally instead of installing (Option 2 in the "Building and Running on Linux" instructions.
for flare-game there is no 'make'. You only need to "cmake . && sudo make install" actually.
Can some please provide a link that explains like I am 5 years old how to install this game from scratch on a system with Ubuntu 13.XX?
I have followed this link http://flarerpg.org/blog/20130613 and even tried following the information in the repos, to no success.
I can get through step 1, after learning how to use GitHub, yet I cannot complete step 2, as I do not know how to clone a directory into the /USR folder, as I do not have root access. I have search in all over, yet it appears to be some kind of closely guarded secret!
Ok I'll try to write down, whilst using a fresh ubuntu vm:
* First I install the depependencies, copied from https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/blob/master/INSTALL.engine
# This step will be the only one requiring sudo / root access
sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
# for development you'll also need:
sudo apt-get install cmake make g++ git
* Now that all requirements are installed, I download flare sources (both engine sources and game art)
# it will be put into the folder flare-engine, so feel free to put it into a games subdirectory or such
git clone https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine.git
git clone https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game.git
* We need to compile the sources:
# if you changed the path in the previous step, adjust path here as well
cd flare-engine
cmake .
* Start the game:
# still being in flare-engine:
./flare --data-path=../flare-game --game=flare
* As you start the game multiple times (probably), you can put that into a script
echo "./flare --data-path=../flare-game --game=flare" >> startflare.sh
chmod +x startflare.sh
I also posted similar instructions here:
It's about the simplest possible way to compile the game yourself.
When I get to "Step 3: Build" of the Ubuntu-Build-Instructions I receive numerous errors, and once, when I was able to get it to "complete" then the game would not run what so ever.
I have clean installed Ubuntu 12.04LTS and all the way up to 13.10, just to try and play Flare. Sounds pathetic, I know, yet I want to enjoy the game like I have in the very early stages, when it was easily installed and configured under Windows.
Let's see the errors, that will tell us how to fix this for you. I suggest copying them and pasting them to pastebin.com to keep the formatting.
Been modding for the older engine for quiet a while the other day i decided to recompile and ive spend 2 days now trying to port everything to the new system ;_; so much work, anyway how come my multipile stat reqs dont work? :S multipile power req works tho
nor is the version from apt-get its still 0.15 by the way im using raspberry pi
so you have to go to the home page flarerpg.org and download the linux version at their home page its always updated