$12256 / $11500
I took a break from my game for a few months (holiday season, spend time with family, work, finish up classes, play games, etc.) and now I'm getting back into it. I realized there are no LPC style children!
I need LPC children sprites. Walking and dying animations, boy and girl, 4 directions, 2 sets of cloths each. Commission if interested. If you need a reference I've worked with Sharm, Redshrike, and a few others before, you can ask them how it is to work with me.
Feel free to respond here or message me.
Two things:
First, I can confirm that William is a great guy and awesome to work for.
Second thing: there is a sort-of child sprite base (initially billed as an alternative character base but often repurposed) which you can see here http://opengameart.org/content/alternate-lpc-character-sprites-george and http://opengameart.org/content/one-more-lpc-alternate-character They might work or otherwise be useful.
Second link broken, Red?
For some reason it included a space at the end of the link. Weird. Should work now.
I had seen those somewhere before but didn't find them easily. Thanks for the links Redshrike! Those will do for the time being. I may need some alternate cloths/hair/faces but that serves the purpose for now.
By the way, I added support in my game for maps made in Tiled! I've been debugging and testing most of the morning here with some good measure of success.