New here - Where to start?
New here - Where to start?
Thursday, January 30, 2014 - 12:02
So, hello reader.
My name is Corax, I'm 17 years old and I'm living in Germany. I actually don't have a job and I want to do something to help someone.
I have little experience with 2D art and I want to get more. But I don't know where I should start, so I have some questions to you.
-> Where did you start with 2D art?
-> How long are you doing this?
-> How old were you, when you started?
Thank you guys for answering.. :)
Well, to be honest. The best thing to get better, is to just draw. Try out anatomy, perspective, color theorie. Redraw thinks, read/view tutorials online and get some books. If you draw 100 hands you will get better and better. And thats true for everything. Get used to the fact that you are going to draw alot of things that did not turn out well. A real sketchbook is full of ugly things. (Not like those showreel sketchbooks you see online)
Where did I start? Well, I started by drawing on everything, including my dad's Atari way back before paint programs existed. (Much more difficult to draw when you have to program it all.) I don't remember a time when I wasn't trying to draw so I've been doing this my whole life. I don't think that's really useful to you though.
With any art form you want to observe, analyze and recreate the things you find beautiful. Research and get feedback to improve the things you don't notice and so you don't waste time looking for solutions to problems that have already been solved. Experiment and expand your focus so things don't get stale. Most of all, work hard at it. It takes time and real effort to get good.