Looking for suitable "monster lair" images, isometric
Looking for suitable "monster lair" images, isometric
I'm quite sure there is something appropriately already made, but I don't know how to search OpenGameArt for it.
For my current RPG project, I want to give the monsters home locations. So each monster will "decorate" its home location - and I look for graphics suitable for such. That could be pelts, piles of straw, sorts of nests, or anything to make a sleeping place comfortable. If you remember Dungeon Keeper, you know what I'm looking for :D
If you know where or how to find such graphics, please give me a pointer :)
The game is isometric, but I surely can adapt other graphics too if they have about the right viewing angle.
I've attached a screenshot with temporary lairs - the yellow ovals, which the imps are sitting on. I want something more dungeonal-stylish for those.
Here's a handy dandy collection of all isometric tiles on OGA: http://opengameart.org/content/isometric-tiles There may be something of use in there.
Wow, there are some very nice images in there! Thanks for the hint :)
Didn't find anything for the moster lairs yet, but lots of other very handy items. Thanks again!