Searching for a website.
Searching for a website.
Sunday, March 30, 2014 - 11:15
Hi, i'm looking for a website I found once before. It was a website where everyone at a game jam uploaded their resources for use. It was in one long list. with whoever submitted it there stuff would be in one row and under that row would be another user's submissions. It had 2d art,textures,3d models, sounds and music. If i was correct it said something about it being in a 24/48 hour game jam. Does anyone know of this site? Searched on google for about an hour but to no avail :(
Are you sure its not this website?
I searched for "24/48 hour game jam" on Google and this was the first entry.
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Nope. I meant as in the like first thing it says on the website is that it was made for a 24/48 hour game jam. It was like a list where you could right click on an image and save as etc. All on 1 page.
Are you referring to the ludum dare?