2d Sidescroller Terrain request

2d Sidescroller Terrain request

Hello! I am currently working on a side scroller game.

I have my character, animations, enemie sprites that I made but, I have an issue when it comes to making terrain

I really don't like the way "dirt" tiles come out. All my terrain is not looking quite well...

If anyone can create some terrain tiles, it would be GREATLY appreciated!



Not too plain or too bright land tiles

34x34 tiles

Object blocks: Grass, Dirt, Stone

Tiles for looks: cave background-like sprite, background trees, rocks(pebbles) vines, water


The link I have posted is an example of the TYPE of art I'm looking for, but I require 2d tiles, not 3d


Hopefully this isnt a lot for anyone if they try to help me! Thank you for your time!

Blocks-That-Matter_4.jpg Blocks-That-Matter_4.jpg 156.1 Kb [72 download(s)]