Names for six levels of gem qualities?
Names for six levels of gem qualities?
For my latest project I'd like to use gems to modify items, much like Diablo II did. I'd asume that 5 or 6 level of gem qualities are enough, if they are scaled well.
Now the tricky part is, how to name them. I assume that "perfect gem" and "flawless gem" can hardly be a copyright issue, since those are quite common descriptions?
English isn't my mothers tongue, and I feel a bit uncertain about the lower ranks of gems. What do you think about these?
flawed [ruby], simple [ruby], average [ruby], fine [ruby], flawless [ruby], perfect [ruby]
Where the [ruby] is, the real name of the gem would go in the game.
I'm not sure I like "simple" or "perfect" (I feel like "flawless" should be the best).
Maybe: flawed -> inferior -> average -> fine -> superior -> flawless
Would 'rough' and 'polished' fit in the hierarchy anywhere?
Regarding copyright over those phrases, that'd be about as silly as someone being able to trademark the word 'candy'. :p
My project: Bits & Bots
Well, "Windows", "Doors" and "Explorer" are all trademarked. I wouldn't be surprised if a company tries the same with candy. But I agree, such words should not be tardemarked at all, they are no names.
@Bart: Thanks, I think I'll use that!
@Varkalandar: I was being ironic - it already happened, but that was a completely different situation (it's a trademark on part of the name of their game, not copyright over simple terms in the game). You're absolutely right that these gemstone descriptions are far too common/broad to be copyrightable, and should be completely safe to use.
I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to point out that is the devil. :)
My project: Bits & Bots